Tag: comm 3327 submission

Editorial, Education

After School Special

By Juan Castillo After the last bell rings at school, most kids board the bus or get picked up by their parents and resume their life at home till the next school day. What about the kids that have to wait at school due to parents’ work schedules? What do they partake in? Who do they partake in any activities with? Why not start an after school music program that teaches students to learn, read and play music? (more…)

Startup Casual Is The New Professional Norm

By Araceli Jimenez It used to be unprofessional and offensive if people showed up to work, class, or interviews looking like they just got out of bed. Nowadays, things have done a complete 180 and startup casual is the new trend. According to Online Career Tips, the new ultra hip startup companies have taken the trend and made it into a working class norm. (more…)
Editorial, Health

Eternal Youth, Designer Babies, and an End to all Disease

By Andres Arizpe Imagine a world where people do not grow old, do not get sick, and are as beautiful as they are smart. Today, the future of genetic engineering looks promising because it may hold the answers to humanity’s long battle against disease and old age. Genetic engineering might also have the key to healing some of our own judgmental superficial tendencies by creating, beautiful, strong, and intelligent genetically enhanced babies. What genetic engineering might have at hand in the next century, is the utopia that humanity has always strive towards, and deserves. (more…)
Editorial, Science and Tech

Connected by the Network

By Marcela E. Garcia If you are an incoming freshman or a transfer student at Texas A&M International University, you probably had to attend orientation. During this daylong orientation, they informed you on various things such as financial aid, health services, study abroad programs, Green Dot, and other information you may or may not have already forgotten. Something that you may have not been made aware of during orientation is the TAMIU Student Network Page on Facebook. (more…)
Editorial, Health

Social Network and Infidelity

By Ana Garza In recent years, infidelity has increased drastically, one the principals reasons is, why one member of the couple becomes unfaithful, but all have an explanation on personal dissatisfaction. (more…)
Science and Tech

Beat it Mars, We’re Moving to Proxima B

By Jonathan Ramos Sorry Matt Damon, but looks like you’re the First and only Martian we earthlings will ever need, as if the release of Suicide Squad wasn’t enough to fill my nerd heart with joy last month. Scientists discovered a new planet that could potentially be habitable. Leaving many people, myself included; to reconsider our modifications to reduce our carbon footprint. All jokes aside, this discovery could not come at a better time. With climate change and overpopulation constantly reminding us that this planet might have an expiration date, it is quite reassuring to know that we have a plan B, “Proxima B”, to be precise. (more…)
Civil Affairs

Is Texas Fever Spreading?

By Fernando Meza Texas has always been a state of huge proportions in many ways. Whether speaking statistically in in reference to population increase and economic growth or down to the most current unarguable facts that Texas has the second largest surface area in the United States, it is impossible to ignore that Texas is growing more than ever. (more…)
Law and Justice, Uncategorized

I Am Not For Sale

By Amy Cortina Human trafficking generates $150 billion in annual profit; this makes it the world third largest illegal market, trailing closely behind the narcotics market. Humans are used as the product for this rapidly growing industry; many believe that slavery was abolished 151 years ago but we are currently living in the era of modern day slavery. Most people associate human trafficking with smuggling people into a country but humans are also trafficked for other reasons such as forced labor, organ extraction, and for sex exploitation. (more…)
Law and Justice

Teenage Dating Violence in Local High Schools

By Jessica Ayala Teen dating violence (TDV) is a pattern of behavior that includes physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse by one person in an intimate relationship to exert power and control over another. In Laredo, Texas teenage dating violence has become more common, and often times has been reported as life threatening to teenagers ages 13-19 years old. In local high schools, approximately 1 in 5 female students reports being physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. (more…)
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