Tag: comm 3327 submission

Civil Affairs, Editorial

120th Washington’s Birthday Celebration

By Ilse Amaro The President George Washington and his gracious wife, Martha Dandridge Washington serve as the main figures in this magnificent event. The Society of Martha Washington Colonial Pageant and ball grow smore popular every year.    This special tradition started in 1896. Washington’s birthday Celebration is a very well known tradition in South Texas.  The Society of Martha Washington colonial Pageant and ball are extremely recognized. The Society of Martha Washington and the Washington Birthday Celebration Association are two different organizations that come together to celebrate this magnificent day that means a lot to this nation. The community of Laredo come together and organizes a lovely parade and other many activities such as museums, and carnival for the city o...

Are We Ready?

By Ricardo Rangel The State of California and the State of Massachusetts were the first to recognize same sex marriages in the United States in 2008. By 2014 the United States American Community Survey recorded more than 700,000 households as “male-male couples” or “female-female” couples. (more…)
Academia, Editorial

Guns On Campus

By Juan Lazcano As we know campus carry is now allowed in most, if not all, public universities in Texas. Beginning August 1, 2016, licensed handgun owners can carry their weapons on campus; however, the gun must be concealed. (more…)

Back to the Old West

By Carla Torres In June 2015, the Texas legislature passed a bill allowing the open carry of weapons. This new law took effect on January 1, 2016. Texans with a concealed handgun license or permit will be allowed to openly carry a weapon in public. (more…)
Editorial, On Campus

Campus Carry in Full Effect at TAMIU

By Carina Garcia This fall semester, remember to pack your books, pencils, and license to carry if you have one.  Texas Governor Greg Abbot, signed the HB 910, an act permitting open carry on campus for anyone 21 years and over and with a license permit in all State public universities, including Texas A&M International University (TAMIU). The law took effect on Monday, August 1, 2016 and students and faculty have different points of views regarding this issue. (more…)
Editorial, Sports

TAMIU Men’s Soccer Looking for Silverware in 2016 Campaign

By Rodrigo Marina Texas A&M International University’s men’s soccer team is looking to bring some trophies to the school this season. The Dustdevils are aiming to improve from last year’s campaign, which saw six wins, eleven losses, and two ties.   With the help of their award winning forward, Ryan Hodgson, they are hoping to bring home the championship title for the 2016 campaign. (more…)
Academia, Editorial

Gap Year

By "El Cafetero" The English tradition of the ‘Gap year’ is usually performed during the time of one’s high school graduation and also between graduation of a Bachelors degree and the beginning toward Graduate School. This time off is usually dedicated to joining the workforce and volunteering and gradually finding how to handle life responsibilities on your own. (more…)
Editorial, On Campus

Trouble at TAMIU Parking Lot

By Veronica Hernandez Every semester Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) experiences an increase in student enrollment. This is great for the university; however, as more students enroll, parking on campus becomes a hassle for students. (more…)
Civil Affairs, Editorial

The End of Retail

By Ediberto Garza According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( 4,859,600 people were employed in retail in 2014.   These individuals provide a service, educating client on product knowledge, inform of any current promotion, and provide the best customer service possible.   Unfortunately, several companies have announced a significant drop in sales, which has led to several locations closing.  Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Sears have announced several location to be closed by 2017, leaving several of their employees unemployed.  What has caused this severe drop in sales? What is the reason for 1,000 employees to lose their jobs? As a manager of a high end retail store, concern for my employees and my career has risen. (more…)
Academia, Editorial

The Walking Debt

By Brittany Cruz Students striving for their dream job are being crushed by student loan debts.  The average student loan debt from a university graduate is at an estimated $30,000. Students at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) stand outside the Financial Aid office in desperate need for funds to cover their educational expenses. Every year, students face the issue of not having sufficient funds for school costs, and therefore resort to taking out student loans. (more…)
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