Tag: comm 3327 submission

El Metro Bus Stops
Civil Affairs

El Metro Bus Stops

El Metro is used by many Laredo citizens every day to get to school and work.  During the summer, waiting for the bus becomes a hassle for El Metro users. (more…)
Civil Affairs

An Urban Tour Guide

By Brianna Eliza Castillo What is walkability and how is it integrated into society?  As a part of Plan Viva Laredo’s objective, walkability’s purpose is to “improve quality of life and retain local talent.” (more…)
Academia, Editorial

Free Speech?

By Jasmine Speer Recently University of Toronto’s Dr .Jordan B. Petersen held a speech rally supporting his idea to refuse using gender pronouns for transgender people.  He made controversial statements in his rally, there is a video of extreme importance on YouTube that surfaced, revealing Doctor Jordan B. Petersen’s opinions on  Canadian Parliamentary Bill C-16: a bill that would legalize punishment for people who refuse to use binary gender pronouns.  Moreover, a certain type of censorship occurred at the rally where the Jordan Petersen held his speech.  People who did not agree with his views deliberately silenced him by turning on a white noise machine to make his speech extremely difficult to hear for audience to hear. (more…)
Adopt A Pet, Save A Life

Adopt A Pet, Save A Life

Each year an estimated 2.7 million pets are euthanized simply because there was no more room for them in the shelter, according to the Humane Society.  These numbers can be significantly reduced if more people adopted a pet.  Welcoming a pet into the family comes with benefits for both the owner and the pet.  The statement “man’s best friend” has proven true for many content pet owners. Adopting a pet is less expensive than buying one from a pet store.  Most shelters ask for a low cost adoption fee to cover the costs of the food and board.  Some may even include the first vaccination and a discounted price for micro-chip and spay or neuter.  The Laredo Animal Protective Society (LAPS) together with Wellness of Wheels, a mobile veterinary clinic, provides vaccinations and other pet health ...
Laredo Lemurs: ‘Love at first sight’

Laredo Lemurs: ‘Love at first sight’

By Ricardo Rangel There have been four professional sport leagues in the City of Laredo within a short span of just about 15 years. With in these years all but two out of the five original attempts of professional sports are still active today. The Laredo Bucks was an ice hockey sport team under the Berry Conference, The Laredo Rattlesnakes was a football team under the Lone Star Football League, and the Laredo Heat was a soccer club under the Premier Development League all of which shut down as professional sports in Laredo because of acclaimed low attendance turn outs which eventually leads to profit loss. Currently, there are two teams active today the Laredo Swarm a professional basketball league and the Laredo Lemurs, a professional baseball team. (more…)

Trump Wins

After a long, dirty, and stressful election, Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump has been elected to be the 45th president of the United States. (more…)
Editorial, Politics

Colombian and FARC Peace Talks in La Havana

By Carmen Garcia In an attempt to end the half-century interior conflict, an agreement has been signed between the Colombian government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) delegations this August. The announcement came early this year, as the peace commission was installed in La Havana. The commission, made up of three representatives from each faction and counseled by non-governmental experts from different fields, is to implement the now-signed peace compromise between the government and the insurgent group. (more…)
Editorial, Entertainment

2016: A Year in Music

By Andre Hernandez Music has been a very simple way of attracting an audience. Develop a track with a catchy hook and a very popular song will arise. However, to fully express an idea or a message on a touchy subject, that’s a bit more challenging. It has been a roller coaster of a year in 2016, with many lives lost and voices heard in an effort to heal a wounded country. (more…)
Editorial, Health

The Rising Cost of EpiPens

By D. Christian Lopez The Epipen has been around for more than 25 years. It is an injection that contains medicine which will open up the lungs, in the case of a severe allergic reaction. Last year alone, 3.6 millions of Americans depended on the EpiPen for severe allergies that may cause anaphylaxis, which can be a fatal allergic reaction if not treated immediately.  Over the past years, the cost of the EpiPen has risen.  In 2007, the cost for the EpiPen was about $100.  In these past months the cost is over $600 for a set of EpiPens. (more…)
Editorial, Sports

And so the Drama Continues…

By Teresa Ramirez Olympic swimmer and twelve time Olympic medalist, Ryan Lochte, has been under tribulation since the 2016 Rio Olympics after lying to the world that he was robbed at gunpoint. The thirty-two year old swimmer also claimed the robber demanded money from him and other teammates that were with Lochte at the time. (more…)
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