Tag: comm 3327 submission

Chile: Opportunities for Recent Graduates
International Studies

Chile: Opportunities for Recent Graduates

The era of being confined to your hometown is long gone— the average American will move five times in their lifetime. With the advance of technology, our world keeps getting smaller and smaller; young adults look now further than their own countries for their next home. (more…)

Screen Time Affecting Our Youth’s Sleep Time

By Fernando Meza  Ever since mobile phone have been getting smarter, cheaper, larger and more prevalent as a necessity to most nowadays, there have been concerns that the bright light that the device emits disrupts our body’s natural circadian rhythms. (more…)
Science and Tech

Consuming People Everyday

By Jacqueline Charles Social media is immensely addictive to every person that comes in contact with it. Many people that have social sites are frequently logging in every few minutes, but they are not aware of how much time they are spending on the social sites, and that is alarming. Incredibly, people that log in very regularly don’t see that there is a problem. (more…)

Same Struggles, Different Day

By Giovanni Salinas There comes a time in our adolescence where we decide to become ambitious and goal-oriented. The youth of every generation is filled with dreams and aspirations. However, on the path to their success, they are often faced with challenges that stops them from reaching their peak.  High school teachers always said college was a very challenging part of life, but they never really offered a survival guide, a how-to encyclopedia for all the challenges faced at the university level. (more…)
International Affairs

The True Extent of Violence and Corruption in Mexico

By Sergio Loera Many people talk about violence in Mexico and along the US-Mexico border, and tend to attribute much of that violence to criminal organizations and drugs. Most people assume that the violence is everywhere in Mexico, and simply being in any part of this country puts you in immediate danger.   Dr. Viridiana Rios, a research fellow at the Wilson Center in Washington D.C., has spent a long time studying and understanding the violence and corruption that takes place in Mexico. During her November 9 presentation at Texas A&M International University, during the IBC Speaker Series, she isolated both of these problems and outlined their true nature and origin, presenting several steps that can be implemented, and some that are already being taken to resolve the i...
International Affairs

Will Foreign Aid Ever End Poverty?

By Brianna Cruz It is the season in which America is choosing their best candidate to represent them as a nation. Both candidates have expressed their view on poverty and the foreign policy the United States follows. Both candidates are focused on eliminating poverty and have almost the exact same outcome. The goals of the foreign policy are to “build and sustain a more democratic, secure, and prosperous world for the benefit of the American people and the international community.” It also focuses on exports and nuclear technology and interaction with foreign nations. This subject has been a topic of debate not only here in the U.S., but worldwide. This policy is one of the most important tools that the rich countries use to help poor countries. It is used to improve the population from...
A Misleading Company Called Convergys

A Misleading Company Called Convergys

By Toby Schwerin Educational opportunities are what play an important factor in the lives of young adults. However, working and maintaining a college career is extremely difficult and most times impossible. Employees who are also students must find a job that works with their school schedule and not interfere with their studies. This can be difficult considering the pay and hours needed to make a living and pay for school.   Companies that offer full and part time students a job with flexible hours are in high demand and are almost guaranteed to be a successful company. However, it is rare to find these jobs and when they do come around it is hard to find positions available. Convergys is a customer service telephone company that helps customers fix their technological issues a...

Men’s Fashion Is Fighting Gender Norms

By Jonathan Ramos In October 2016 Covergirl announced their first male Covergirl, 17-year-old James Charles. This announcement has ignited controversy to the trivial decision between whether or not a man should wear makeup. Until just recently, many felt that a man wearing makeup was reserved only for cross dressers.  This way of thinking is not conducive to the innovation of new ideas. James Charles has become the unofficial ambassador for bringing a change to the view of men’s makeup. (more…)

Should I?

By Veronica Hernandez Back in 2009 I was faced with the most important decision of my life. I had to choose whether to go to a regular high school in this case Nixon, or attend Laredo Early College High School. In 2009 I had no clue of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Part of me wanted to have that “high school” experience, and to be with my friends. The other part of me was somehow forcing me to mature and already have my mind made of what career I wanted to pursue. (more…)

Teen Dating Violence (Part 2)

By Gina Guevara The concept of love may appeal to almost everyone since it is known to be a beautiful feeling. Everyone seeks whoever they feel attracted to whether it is for a long-term or short-term relationship. However, many times relationships do not work out. People may start getting jealous or one person can become abusive of another. There have been various reported incidents of teenagers getting hit by a partner. (more…)
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