Tag: comm 3327 submission

On Campus

STCE’S TAMIU Comic Con in a Nutshell.

By  Dylon Wells and Gloria Cantu   The South Texas Collectors Expo (STCE) Comic Con at TAMIU was an astounding success. The event began on morning of January 28th and ended with a magnificent cosplay contest on January 29th. (more…)
Law and Justice

When TV Watches Back

Earlier this year, Vizio was found guilty of collecting data on approximately 11 million consumer TVs without the user’s knowledge or consent, according to the Federal Trade Commission. (more…)
Entertainment, Opinion

Coppola Woes

By Kassandra de Hoyos         For the most part, writers write what they know.  The world of celebrity is all Sofia Coppola has ever known – thanks to her father being film legend Francis Ford Coppola.  So, it’s not a surprise this transfers onto her films. (more…)
Academia, On Campus

TAMIU Expanding its Horizons

By Kassandra Juarez With technology being a huge party of our lives today, many students want to pursue a career that falls into that category, such as Systems Engineering.     Here in Laredo Texas, Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) offers a bachelor’s degree in systems engineering which is a great option for students who would then like to purse a career in that field. (more…)
Civil Affairs, Education

New Concerns Over State Funding

Drastic cuts to funding are a growing concern for universities in the Texas A&M system. Senate Bill 1, introduced earlier this year as part of the state’s General Appropriations Bill, may result in double-digit budget cuts for several system campuses for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. (more…)
Law and Justice

Domestic Violence in Mexico

By María F. Rodríguez Domestic violence is defined by acts of violence performed in a house between any members of the family.  The aggressor can be either spouse or even children, but most of the time, women are the victims and men are the perpetrators. (more…)
International Studies

The World Can Be A Classroom

We are past the time where only the rich were given the opportunity to travel overseas. Every day, there are new people starting blogs and displaying inspiring photos of their adventures far away from home.  Young people look at these postings, sighing at their own lack of luck, without realizing it can be more than just wishful thinking. (more…)
On Campus

LGBTQ Group Strong at TAMIU

By Mauricio Zertuche   Currently, Texas A&M International University has an estimated 5,000 students, many of which have formed campus organizations to make their campus a better place for all students. (more…)

An Obese America

By Pablo Nieto Being out of breath, getting tired easily, and limited mobility due to are just the exterior signs of obesity.   What happens in the interior is much worse.  Obesity has been linked to heart problems, Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer.  Obesity is a growing epidemic in America, even though public awareness for the dangers of obesity has increased. (more…)
Inside An Athletic Trainer’s Life

Inside An Athletic Trainer’s Life

By Alexandra Camacho Many people know what a “coaching” position is but, few people know what an “athletic training” position really means. Sports is a big part of America, it is all over the television and schools and athletic trainers are the people behind the scenes that play a big role, most of the times unnoticed. (more…)
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