Science and Tech

Editorial, Science and Tech

Smartphones: the weapons that damage our generation

By Alejandra Hernandez   During the last three years, smartphones have become one of the most important tools in our daily lives. Most people spend endless hours on their mobile devices, computers, laptops, and tablets. Current generations find it hard to believe that there used to be a time where none of these electronic devices hardly ever existed. (more…)
Science and Tech

Consuming People Everyday

By Jacqueline Charles Social media is immensely addictive to every person that comes in contact with it. Many people that have social sites are frequently logging in every few minutes, but they are not aware of how much time they are spending on the social sites, and that is alarming. Incredibly, people that log in very regularly don’t see that there is a problem. (more…)
Science and Tech

Forget the ‘Gators; Python Population

by Rodrigo Marina The American Crocodiles and the American Alligators had been the dominant predators in the Everglades National park at the southern tip of Florida since it was established.  However, in 1975, the American Crocodile species was declared endangered due to the popularity of its hide and other products.  Numbers were dramatically low during that time, with less than 300 alligators accounted for.  In 1979, a new species started to make its way into The Everglades. (more…)
Editorial, Science and Tech

Connected by the Network

By Marcela E. Garcia If you are an incoming freshman or a transfer student at Texas A&M International University, you probably had to attend orientation. During this daylong orientation, they informed you on various things such as financial aid, health services, study abroad programs, Green Dot, and other information you may or may not have already forgotten. Something that you may have not been made aware of during orientation is the TAMIU Student Network Page on Facebook. (more…)
Science and Tech

Beat it Mars, We’re Moving to Proxima B

By Jonathan Ramos Sorry Matt Damon, but looks like you’re the First and only Martian we earthlings will ever need, as if the release of Suicide Squad wasn’t enough to fill my nerd heart with joy last month. Scientists discovered a new planet that could potentially be habitable. Leaving many people, myself included; to reconsider our modifications to reduce our carbon footprint. All jokes aside, this discovery could not come at a better time. With climate change and overpopulation constantly reminding us that this planet might have an expiration date, it is quite reassuring to know that we have a plan B, “Proxima B”, to be precise. (more…)
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