

The Student’s Perspective

This is the second installment of a three-part series covering Bill Clinton's visit to TAMIU and related topics. By Rebekah Rodriguez When it comes to describing former President Bill Clinton’s visit to TAMIU, adjectives such as “historic” and “amazing” have been spoken by students, faculty, and the general public in recent days. However, it is impossible to find one word to describe the myriad of opinions found among students in wake of this event. A majority of these students compose the exact demographic --- middle class, minority college students --- being targeted by Hillary Clinton in her presidential campaign. (more…)

President Bill Clinton at TAMIU

This is the first installment of a three-part series covering Bill Clinton's visit to TAMIU and related topics. Story and photos by I.M. Kero. Texas A&M International University was given the historic honor of having former President Bill Clinton speak at a campaign rally to an audience of students, professors, general public, and other faculty. The event took place on February 22 at the Kinesiology and Convocation Building during the afternoon. Clinton came to campaign for his wife as she continues to seek the Democratic presidential nomination. (more…)

SGA Presidential Primary Poll: TAMIU Favors the Dems

By I.M Kero The Student Government Association sponsored a mock presidential primary poll during the fall semester in 2015. It was one of the few rare instances where the SGA actually performed an event that dealt in government and politics. On their Facebook page, an info graphic was developed  to present some of the statistics and the primary results. (more…)
SGA Hosts City Council Debate Forum

SGA Hosts City Council Debate Forum

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. Story and photos by I.M. Kero A special election is being held for a new member to represent District 2 on the city council. Three candidates were invited on February 9 to square off in the prime-time debate that was hosted by the Student Government Association. (more…)
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