
NEWS: Accusations rise against SGA for bribery, leadership integrity, improper procedures
News, On Campus, Politics

NEWS: Accusations rise against SGA for bribery, leadership integrity, improper procedures

NEWS: Accusations rise against SGA for bribery, leadership integrity, improper procedures By Ana VaraBridge Staff Writerand Destiny SanchezAssistant EditorOriginally Published Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023Republished Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024 [Editor's Note: Some updates have been made to this article to improve its accuracy since its original publication.] In a series of serious allegations, TAMIU’s Student Government Association has come under fire for improper procedures, communication problems, leadership issues and possibly even bribery. “Ant-Hill Chronicles wants to thank the public for the outstanding support we have gotten since our last publication,” are the first 18 words of a post made earlier this year, on May 1, on the Texas A&M International University Student Network o...
POLITICS: TAMIU alumna runs for state representative
Alumni, News, Politics

POLITICS: TAMIU alumna runs for state representative

POLITICS: TAMIU alumna runs for state representative By Jorge EspinozaBridge Social Media Co-ManagerPublished Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 A TAMIU alumna and former Webb County Tax Assessor-Collector hopes to move up to the state level of Texas politics as she bids for a state representative seat. Rio Bravo Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar, D-Laredo, announced her candidacy for House District 80 state representative. This seat is currently occupied by Rep. Tracy King, D-Uvalde, who is not seeking reelection. Submitted photo courtesy Rosie CuellarRio Bravo Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar is running in the Democratic primary for House District 80. The primary is scheduled for March 5, when Cuellar faces off against at least two opponents: Carlos Lopez, chair of the Uvalde Cou...
RESEARCH: Improved intergenerational communication key to preventing misinformation, local study shows
Academia, Education, Features, Health, Humans of TAMIU, On Campus, Politics, Science and Tech

RESEARCH: Improved intergenerational communication key to preventing misinformation, local study shows

RESEARCH: Improved intergenerational communication key to preventing misinformation, local study shows By Mireilly Gonzalez Bridge Staff InternPublished Thursday, May 5, 2022 Two TAMIU professors discovered a possible key to battle local misinformation. Texas A&M International University Assistant Professor of communication Arthur Soto-Vásquez and Assistant Professor of social sciences Wanzhu Shi worked together on a research article on COVID-19 misinformation. “We found a lot of interesting stuff,” Soto-Vásquez recalled of their joint research. Karla De Leon | Bridge Assistant Professor of communication Arthur Soto-Vásquez looks at the computer screen in his office in the Academic Innovation Center on Apr. 27. One of their key findings revolves around the idea o...
POLITICS: Congressional candidate speaks at TAMIU
News, On Campus, Politics

POLITICS: Congressional candidate speaks at TAMIU

POLITICS: Congressional candidate speaks at TAMIU By Mireilly GonzalezBridge Staff InternPublished Wednesday, March 23, 2022 One of two candidates to visit TAMIU prior to the primaries, a congressional candidate hopes to gain the support of young voters. On Feb. 21, Jessica Cisneros spoke to Texas A&M International University students who gathered to hear about her most important issues. The campus organization TAMIU Student Democrats organized the event; several members took the front row seats, excited to hear her speak. She and Beto O’Rourke were the only candidates running for the Texas primaries to visit TAMIU. The campus visit occurred just eight days before Texas primary day–which included voting for Texas governor and the 28th District for the House of Representativ...
POLITICS: Multiple primaries end in runoff
News, Politics

POLITICS: Multiple primaries end in runoff

POLITICS: Multiple primaries end in runoff By Gabriel RodriguezBridge Staff WriterPublished Wednesday, March 23, 2022 The Texas primary elections concluded on Tuesday, March 1. Texans gathered at the polls to select which members of their party would represent them in a variety of races to take place in the upcoming midterms on Tuesday, Nov. 8. Rep. Henry Cuellar One of the more heated races in the Texas primaries is one most relevant to Webb County residents: the Democratic 28th Congressional District race between incumbent Henry Cuellar and challengers Jessica Cisneros and Tannya Benavides. After safely retaining his office in 2020, Cuellar now finds himself in a runoff election against Cisneros, who managed to end the race with only 2,000 votes on his tail. A staunch memb...
POLITICS: Primary candidates vie for seats
News, On Campus, Politics

POLITICS: Primary candidates vie for seats

POLITICS: Primary candidates vie for seats By Juan ReyesBridge Staff WritingPublished Wednesday, March 23, 2022 Members of the campus community did not have far to go to vote in the primary election at Location 255, on campus. Early voting ran from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Feb. 22 and 23 with primary day on Tuesday, March 1. Texas A&M International University offered a voting location for Webb County District 3, Precinct 255, at the Western Hemisphere Trade Center. Yulissa Diaz | BridgeA voting sign shows visitors toward the Western Hemisphere Trade Center building for the election on March 1. Some faculty, staff and students, like Associate Professor of history Deborah Blackwell, took advantage of the convenience for early voting at TAMIU. “I always make it a point to vot...
‘A path to citizenship’
International Affairs, News, Politics

‘A path to citizenship’

‘A path to citizenship’ By Jhoanna AngelesBridge Staff InternPublished Saturday, March 13, 2021 One TAMIU alumna and DACA recipient reminisces about the policy that remained in a purgatory state during her tenure as a full-time student. Dreamers are undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, according to the National Immigration Forum. During former President Donald J. Trump’s administration, several Dreamers faced many uncertainties. Since its creation in June 2012 by President Barack Obama's administration, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals held a great impact on young illegal immigrants, offering them what is commonly referred to by officials as “a path to citizenship.” Bridge File PhotoIn this October 2017 file photo, Ana Karen Contreras and other DACA...
Grassroots organization believes efforts finally paid off
Civil Affairs, International Affairs, News, Politics

Grassroots organization believes efforts finally paid off

Grassroots organization believes efforts finally paid off By Matthew BalderasBridge OmbudsmanandDavid Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Friday, March 5, 2021 “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall,” were famous words heard around the world as spoken by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. Who would have thought similar words would be spoken today in 2021? Back on Jan. 20 the U.S. swore in President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and with a stroke of a pen, he halted construction on the southern border wall. In a Media Advisory report, Tricia Cortez, executive director with the Rio Grande International Study Center, founding member of the Laredo No Border Wall Coalition, said, “This is a huge win and a critical first step for our community, our river, our future. After two years of operating in c...
Rep. Cuellar, President Arenaz to announce TAMIU CARES program
Finance, Health, News, On Campus, Politics

Rep. Cuellar, President Arenaz to announce TAMIU CARES program

Rep. Cuellar, President Arenaz to announce TAMIU CARES program From Staff ReportsPublished Thursday, Feb. 18, 2021 Tomorrow, Congressman Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, and TAMIU President Pablo Arenaz plan to announce the path for federal funds in the CARES program. Scheduled for 10 a.m. Friday, Feb. 19, at the Student Center Rotunda of Texas A&M International University, the event will explain how these funds "will help meet the needs of students and families impacted by [the] pandemic," according to a press release from Cuellar's office. Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas The funds were authorized by the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund II in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act. Its intent is to help students who suffered additional expenses dur...
Election Day
Life & Arts, On Campus, Politics

Election Day

Art students encourage all to vote From Staff ReportsPublished Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2020 TAMIU art students recently participated in a non-partisan voting campaign in light of today's major election. The following students' work is featured in the above image gallery, in order of appearance (from top left): Estefania Rodriguez, Kassandra Romero, Nehemias Santos, Jessica Ramos, Travis Gonzalez and Venessa Rodriguez Renteria. For additional information on the project, interested persons may check out the @tamiuvisualarts Instagram feed.
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