

It’s Tradition to Send Girls To the Kitchen, and Hit Boys That Cry

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. By Evelin Garcia Culture is a beautiful and dangerous thing, and it’s most often times recognized for its contemporary beauty and hardly clouded by its flaws. It is a multitude of traditions gathered by old generations setting the base for new generations to come. Such traditions play an important and valuable role in shaping all of our surrounding society. For that reason, there are some old customs that shouldn’t grow old with the rest of us. Customs that set society back and have no part in any lapse of our time. (more…)

It Is Okay To Talk About Miscarriage

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. By Virginia Garcia-Ramos Ever since I was a child, I never thought about getting married, let alone having a baby. I never wanted children PERIOD, yet here I was at age 25, married and pregnant. At the time, my dreams were to become a successful individual and have my own company (a dream I still have not given up on). Many things had changed in my life and I saw the world in a very different way. I joined an internship in Florida, lived in California, and did many things people my age only dream about. But on April 16, 2014, I found out that I was pregnant. My whole life was about to change. (more…)
Editorial, Opinion

Donald Trump’s Laredo

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. By Valeria Garza Republican front-runner, Donald Trump, has become infamous and popular amoung voters thanks to his comments about immigration. Though the only presidential candidate to visit Laredo, does Trump really believe that our city and other border towns are infested with “rapist” and “criminals?” (more…)

Keeping the Soap in Your Mouth

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. By Iris Vasquez Guerrero Since I can remember my parents have always scolded me for using foul language in their presence. I was brought up in a fairly strict household, where if I even whispered a bad word I would get more than just yelled at.  Up until very recently have I become bolder and use some questionable language in front of them, to which they still give the side eye.  The freedom that is allowed in the classroom can sometimes become a bit overwhelming and even somewhat vulgar when students take their liberty to heart. (more…)

Only in Laredo

By Judith Menchaca We’ve all heard variations of the expression, “your expectations will set the limits for your life.”  If you expect little, it can be projected you will receive little, and vice versa.  Great expectations produce the great outcomes we all deserve.  Though we can readily apply this axiom to our daily lives, it is unfortunate that we fail to recognize the potential impact this mindset (or lack thereof) has on our community. (more…)
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