

Divorce official breakup

You would think it is easy to understand an idea that TV tries to convey to an audience. Sometimes the idea could be conveyed clearly, but it doesn’t go into great detail to help anybody. An example is Spanish telenovelas where couples divorce and marry other people. For some, that’s a reality. (more…)
Opinion, Politics

Could UK continue after Brexit?

On June 23, 2016, the United Kingdom voted in a historic referendum on whether or not the UK should leave or remain in the European Union. The people voted to leave. After the referendum, a chain of events followed with David Cameron resigning as Prime Minister, and Theresa May as the new head of Parliament. However, the “Brexit” could become more complex. This may just be an exit only for England and Wales, or possibly the end of the United Kingdom. (more…)
Opinion, Politics

GOP platform pushes to the right, yet contradicts

With Donald Trump now the confirmed presidential nominee for the Republican Party, his planned policies have influenced the GOP to form a new platform that pushes to the right, yet contradicts they rhetoric of their presidential nominee. However, many of the traditional conservatives and moderate Republicans are not very pleased with this shift on the political spectrum. (more…)

Murrow, Cronkite, public health

In the middle of the 20th century, TV had become a new invention that had been well received and highly demanded by the American people. With television came new mediums for established expressions. Novels became serial dramas, films could been seen outside a movie theater and inside a living room, and the news was able to be presented directly to its audience with eye contact. Two figures in modern news history took advantage of television and its ability intimately convey a direct message to their American audiences watching in their living rooms. These figure were news anchors Edward Murrow and Walter Cronkite. They expressed a message for the protection of public health. However, the dilemma were not the typical dangers seen in most public health issues. Each newsman, in their respect...

Makeup, social media, me

Last summer, a video titled “YOU LOOK DISGUSTING” went viral across social media. The video was directed by beauty blogger Em Ford, better known as MyPaleSkin on YouTube. Many of Ford’s tutorials specialize in working with acne-prone skin, and she is very open about her own struggle with adult acne. In the spring of 2015, she began uploading pictures of herself on social media without makeup. The video that followed details some of the comments she received. As she appears on screen barefaced, the comments follow. Words like “gross”, “ugly”,  and “horrible” fill the screen, eventually leading to the titular comment “You look disgusting.” (more…)
Opinion, Politics

The Transgender Issue Is About Healthcare and Not Bathrooms

Even though the population of transgender individuals in America is an extremely small one, the media has caused a massive rise of attention towards the individuals. The current dilemma is one concern the use of their bathrooms in public space. Are transgender people allowed to use the bathroom that associates with the gender they identify as? President Obama thinks yes, but many conservatives think they should not. Like with all political debates, there are legitimate concerns on both sides. However, the solution to this dilemma is not as complex as most people think. (more…)
Opinion, Politics

American Politics Could Become European

They are many that are concluding that the American political parties are beginning to realign. Actually, their realignment is coming to an end, and new era of American politics is coming to fruition. That being said, thirty-six years in the making the parties have been realigning into something different, but they are possibly going to resemble the party models seen in Europe. (more…)
Laredoans Continue to Love Amidst Tragedy

Laredoans Continue to Love Amidst Tragedy

June 14, 2016 was a day of magical history and mourning for Laredo. Due to the tragic event that occurred in Orlando, Florida, one specific person decided to use their fame as a way to create one of the most memorable day in Laredo. She is known to the people of Laredo as LaGordiloca. Hundreds of Laredoans gathered outside of Burlington waiting to show their support for the 50 individuals that were killed in Pulse nightclub in Orlando the day prior to this event. (more…)

Pride and Privilege

I was raised to dream of being the All-American girl: over-achieving, well-mannered, with a cute face to sweeten the deal. Yet there I was, a little girl with thick dark hair growing in places where it wasn’t welcome. Y el nopal en la frente. Then there was my two-tone skin: milky white at birth, but painted in various places by the ruthless Texas sun. My shyness and pitiful math skills were paired with my appetite for fajita, rice, and beans over square meals. I was a far cry from being America’s Sweetheart. (more…)

ASMR Phenomena for Improved Study and Sleep

As a full time student at Texas A&M International University, I always find myself awake studying late hours preparing myself for a test or writing a twelve page paper the night before it’s due. Evidently, my sleep schedule gets extremely unbalanced because of this. I have never been a huge fan of taking medicine to help me sleep and have struggled with sleep almost all my life. It seems that by mere accident I found a solution many years ago on a date I can’t even remember. (more…)
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