
Civil Affairs, Editorial

The End of Retail

By Ediberto Garza According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (www.bls.gov) 4,859,600 people were employed in retail in 2014.   These individuals provide a service, educating client on product knowledge, inform of any current promotion, and provide the best customer service possible.   Unfortunately, several companies have announced a significant drop in sales, which has led to several locations closing.  Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Sears have announced several location to be closed by 2017, leaving several of their employees unemployed.  What has caused this severe drop in sales? What is the reason for 1,000 employees to lose their jobs? As a manager of a high end retail store, concern for my employees and my career has risen. (more…)
Academia, Editorial

The Walking Debt

By Brittany Cruz Students striving for their dream job are being crushed by student loan debts.  The average student loan debt from a university graduate is at an estimated $30,000. Students at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) stand outside the Financial Aid office in desperate need for funds to cover their educational expenses. Every year, students face the issue of not having sufficient funds for school costs, and therefore resort to taking out student loans. (more…)
Editorial, Education

After School Special

By Juan Castillo After the last bell rings at school, most kids board the bus or get picked up by their parents and resume their life at home till the next school day. What about the kids that have to wait at school due to parents’ work schedules? What do they partake in? Who do they partake in any activities with? Why not start an after school music program that teaches students to learn, read and play music? (more…)

Startup Casual Is The New Professional Norm

By Araceli Jimenez It used to be unprofessional and offensive if people showed up to work, class, or interviews looking like they just got out of bed. Nowadays, things have done a complete 180 and startup casual is the new trend. According to Online Career Tips, the new ultra hip startup companies have taken the trend and made it into a working class norm. (more…)
Editorial, Health

Eternal Youth, Designer Babies, and an End to all Disease

By Andres Arizpe Imagine a world where people do not grow old, do not get sick, and are as beautiful as they are smart. Today, the future of genetic engineering looks promising because it may hold the answers to humanity’s long battle against disease and old age. Genetic engineering might also have the key to healing some of our own judgmental superficial tendencies by creating, beautiful, strong, and intelligent genetically enhanced babies. What genetic engineering might have at hand in the next century, is the utopia that humanity has always strive towards, and deserves. (more…)
Editorial, Science and Tech

Connected by the Network

By Marcela E. Garcia If you are an incoming freshman or a transfer student at Texas A&M International University, you probably had to attend orientation. During this daylong orientation, they informed you on various things such as financial aid, health services, study abroad programs, Green Dot, and other information you may or may not have already forgotten. Something that you may have not been made aware of during orientation is the TAMIU Student Network Page on Facebook. (more…)
Editorial, Health

Social Network and Infidelity

By Ana Garza In recent years, infidelity has increased drastically, one the principals reasons is, why one member of the couple becomes unfaithful, but all have an explanation on personal dissatisfaction. (more…)

To This Year’s Freshman Class

I want to start off with a polite message welcoming you the university, much like the ones you’ve been hearing since orientation and these first few weeks of school.   While I’m really happy that you guys have decided to attend this university, I feel like it’s my duty as a senior to tell you what I’ve learned since my first day of college three years ago: the good, the bad, and the ugly. (more…)
Opinion, Politics

Prime Minister Clinton?

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton rode her post-convention bump with glee.  The polls have her with a comfortable lead against Republican challenger Donald Trump.  However, both candidates have a poor favorability rating.  In terms of public approval ratings, President Barack Obama leads them significantly, but the president communicated a message that could explain this year’s election: Do not vote for the candidate.  Vote for the party. “We all need to get out and vote for Democrats up and down the ticket, and then hold them accountable until they get the job done,” Obama said in his speech at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. (more…)

A Student Life With ADHD

Sometimes I can’t hear people when they talk to me. I have to ask them, “Wait, can you say that again?” and deal with a pretty annoyed countenance that reciprocates, “Did you seriously not understand what I just said?” My answer would simply that it’s not that I can’t understand, it’s just that I didn’t hear it--I was too busy looking at how your upper lip folds whenever you say the word, “here” and how your hair is curly from only one spot—my ADHD overcomes me.  As a student at Texas A&M International University, it has been quite the challenge dealing with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) on a day to day basis. (more…)
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