

Should I?

By Veronica Hernandez Back in 2009 I was faced with the most important decision of my life. I had to choose whether to go to a regular high school in this case Nixon, or attend Laredo Early College High School. In 2009 I had no clue of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Part of me wanted to have that “high school” experience, and to be with my friends. The other part of me was somehow forcing me to mature and already have my mind made of what career I wanted to pursue. (more…)
Academia, Editorial

Free Speech?

By Jasmine Speer Recently University of Toronto’s Dr .Jordan B. Petersen held a speech rally supporting his idea to refuse using gender pronouns for transgender people.  He made controversial statements in his rally, there is a video of extreme importance on YouTube that surfaced, revealing Doctor Jordan B. Petersen’s opinions on  Canadian Parliamentary Bill C-16: a bill that would legalize punishment for people who refuse to use binary gender pronouns.  Moreover, a certain type of censorship occurred at the rally where the Jordan Petersen held his speech.  People who did not agree with his views deliberately silenced him by turning on a white noise machine to make his speech extremely difficult to hear for audience to hear. (more…)
A Unisex Restroom in the Heart of Texas
Civil Affairs, Editorial

A Unisex Restroom in the Heart of Texas

By Ediberto Garza As local citizens of Laredo, we’re raised with a mix of Mexican heritage and American beliefs, the foundations our dual culture.  Our geographical location has a strong effect on morality and values, where the machismo, or patriarchal mentality prospers throughout our community.  From an early developmental stage, we are predetermined to identify with a specific gender.  We are raised to follow specific roles, which have altered throughout the years.  However, we have slowly become more opened minded: we are free to express ourselves, choose our identity, and follow what we believe in and love.  Yet, we are still bound to some basic gender identifications. (more…)

The Future is Female

by Carmen Garcia Just three days ago, on October 24, early voting started in the State of Texas. With my voter registration and identification card on my hand, I showed up to the voting site at Doctor’s Hospital located on Springfield and Calle del Norte. (more…)

The Bridge News Endorses Hillary Clinton for President

With thoughtful consideration, The Bridge News has collectively come together to endorse Hillary Clinton for President of the United States. The decision comes from months of analysis from Clinton’s rhetoric, campaign, and performance, but her tenured history and knowledge have been the main deciding factors of this endorsement. (more…)
Editorial, Politics

Colombian and FARC Peace Talks in La Havana

By Carmen Garcia In an attempt to end the half-century interior conflict, an agreement has been signed between the Colombian government and The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) delegations this August. The announcement came early this year, as the peace commission was installed in La Havana. The commission, made up of three representatives from each faction and counseled by non-governmental experts from different fields, is to implement the now-signed peace compromise between the government and the insurgent group. (more…)
Editorial, Entertainment

2016: A Year in Music

By Andre Hernandez Music has been a very simple way of attracting an audience. Develop a track with a catchy hook and a very popular song will arise. However, to fully express an idea or a message on a touchy subject, that’s a bit more challenging. It has been a roller coaster of a year in 2016, with many lives lost and voices heard in an effort to heal a wounded country. (more…)
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