
Editorial, Science and Tech

Smartphones: the weapons that damage our generation

By Alejandra Hernandez   During the last three years, smartphones have become one of the most important tools in our daily lives. Most people spend endless hours on their mobile devices, computers, laptops, and tablets. Current generations find it hard to believe that there used to be a time where none of these electronic devices hardly ever existed. (more…)
Editorial, Health

Medical Miracles

By Alexis Garza Today’s great breakthroughs in modern medicine have shocked the world on how we view traditional medicine.     Our idea of medicine is your basic tablets with some side effects, but as time goes on the norms of medicine are starting to shift and what was once illegal is now becoming a scientific breakthrough.   (more…)
Civil Affairs, Editorial

Skewed News

By Danny Zaragoza The current political culture in the United States has caused Facebook feeds to fill with links to implicitly biased websites which echo the times of yellow journalism’s contribution to the Spanish-American War. (more…)
Entertainment, Opinion

Coppola Woes

By Kassandra de Hoyos         For the most part, writers write what they know.  The world of celebrity is all Sofia Coppola has ever known – thanks to her father being film legend Francis Ford Coppola.  So, it’s not a surprise this transfers onto her films. (more…)

Chasing Smoke

By Ricky Castillon December 9, 2016.   After months of stalling and procrastination, winter has finally come to south Texas. On this particular morning I had already been out to drop off my youngest brother at his high school, picked up some breakfast and coffee for myself, come home, run around the backyard with my dog for as long as I could stand before the impending chill threatened my already-failing attempt to fight off a cold, begun work on some watercolor illustrations I hadn’t gotten the chance to work on.   It was then I realized my mistake. The previous day I’d been working in the computer lab at the university and that I’d left my bag with brushes and ink pens that I was going to need. It was a rookie move, with the amount of traffic a lab can get this c...
Continuing The Pursuit of Happiness

Continuing The Pursuit of Happiness

I think it’s safe to say that this past year was an eventful one for all of us. I am no exception to the chaos that marked the past twelve months. My twenty-first year of life was filled with many firsts, both good and bad. Sometimes it’s still hard for me to distinguish which moments fall into which category. If we’re being honest here, some moments belong in both.   (more…)

There’s Something About Zuckerberg

If one were to compare and contrast the last decade and the current one, there would be a stark difference with the use of social media. Social media has been around for more than ten years, and in Western society, it is used much in everyday life. It seems almost harder to run a business without the use of social media, and even if people do not actively post or participate on it, they are some that at least are passive observers that continue the flow of digital information. One specific company has become synonymous with all social media, Facebook. (more…)
Editorial, Politics


Crazy things have happened this year. The people of United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union. The American people voted for Donald Trump to be president of the United States. Turkey is planning to change sides. Russia’s sphere of influence grows, and here we are in America, the world’s most powerful country, crying and having our feelings hurt. There is nothing wrong with feeling the pain. I feel it too, but we cannot let it control. There is going to be a time when we must stand our ground and fight. (more…)
Killing for Free Tuition
Editorial, Military

Killing for Free Tuition

My undergrad experience at Texas A&M International University was almost two full calendar years. I began school full time in January 2015 during Wintermester. As I think about it today, it doesn’t feel like such a distant memory. From then on, I pushed on through the spring semester, summer sessions, and fall. Then I repeated the process in 2016, and now I’m here. I was able to do this because I had free tuition.   Initially, some people wonder how I did it. They thought that I had rich parents that paid every session and semester, which is likely. They thought I got massive amounts of scholarships because of how well I’ve performed in my classes which is also likely, but I didn’t do any of that. (more…)
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