
Editorial, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Being essential these days

OPINION: Being essential these days EDITOR'S POINT of VIEWBy David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 The coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, causes the disease COVID-19. The ‘rona, as some people are calling it, came fast and deadly. It added pressure to an already fragile economy. At the front lines of keeping the economy afloat, other than the medical, grocery store clerks, farmers and janitorial staff who deserve so much praise, are also the other “essential” businesses. I am currently one of those essential workers. David Gomez Jr. I work in a hardware store, yet it doesn’t feel essential. I recently went from a part-time to a full-time employee. Nowadays, the type of customers who come into the store are those tired of being at home. It used to be just th...
OPINION: Time on our hands
Editorial, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Time on our hands

OPINION: Time on our hands Allison Villareal | Special to The Bridge ARTIST’S STATEMENTBy Allison VillarealBridge contributing illustratorPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 For this concept, I intended to use variety, contrast and movement to demonstrate the overwhelming and uneasy feelings that can be experienced when having too many things in our hands. I used variety by having hands of many sizes holding different objects that represent time, relationships, health, financial issues, chores, education, entertainment and self care. I used contrast to highlight the dark pressures and stress that can be behind each responsibility that is being held. I used movement to express the variety of weight each hand is carrying.
Editorial, Opinion

Climate Change: a Global Crisis

OPINION: Climate change a global crisis Jose L. Martinez | BRIDGE contributing illustratorThis illustration published March 30, 2020. ARTIST'S STATEMENTBy Jose L. MartinezBridge contributing illustratorPublished March 30, 2020 For this concept, my intention is to use line, shape, value, form and space to create proportions, variety, unity and emphasis. Using these art elements and design principles, I remind people how plastics are a contributing factor to climate change. To support this message, I creatively combine the unrelated ideas of bullying with climate change.  After personifying all these different components, I use value and roughly the same scale to unify them; however, to create contrast and emphasis on the world globe, I arrange it at the center of the com...
In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Let’s revitalize Laredo by focusing on change

OPINION: Let's revitalize Laredo by focusing on change STAFF POINT of VIEWBy Shelley RodriguezBridge Staff WriterPublished March 30, 2020 There is an unintentional line frequently said by children and teens all throughout Laredo. We hear it, think it and most probably even say it at least once in our lifetime if we’ve lived here: “I’m going to leave Laredo.” Some variation of that line passed down generation-to-generation to the point where we’re not even surprised when we hear it any-more. Shelley Rodriguez There’s something about this lovely city that makes its own residents want to leave time-and-time again. Al-though it’s easy to point out this town’s flaws, it is still no better to leave it the way it is as opposed to staying and implementing change. To put it simply, ...
OPINION: Lessons aren’t just learned in class
In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Lessons aren’t just learned in class

OPINION: Lessons aren't just learned in class EDITOR'S POINT of VIEWBy David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished March 30, 2020 Two shows left their mark on my psyche—and for the better—because I learned so much from them, especially about growing up. College life, they say, is some of the best years in your life. They also say those memories of mediocre food and “freedom,” are the best days anyone can ever experience in their life. David Gomez Jr. As of now, many people are enjoying their college life. This consists of meeting new people, stimulating the brain conversing with others taking the same courses and, of course, partying. These days, though, it is still practiced but most connections now start off by asking, “What shows do you watch?” An honest, straight-to-t...

Ready for everything, master of none

Four years ago, I stepped onto the grounds of Texas A&M International University with a fresh set of notebooks in my backpack, a shiny new student ID card (complete with an awkward photo), and a brave little heart. (more…)
In Our View: Gambling with the Innocent
In Our View

In Our View: Gambling with the Innocent

The thought that someone would stoop so low as to forbid the entrance of unfortunate children, just to gain a bargaining chip, is unacceptable. The worst part about President Donald Trump’s current “temper tantrum,” is that if the U.S. Congress does not come to terms with his proposal, current benefactors of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy are at risk of being deported. (more…)
Editorial, On Campus

Living on campus vs. on campus living

By Lydia Dean   Before anything, there is a difference between just “living on campus” and “on campus living”. “Living on Campus” is the physical act of actually staying—day in and day out—on campus. The university is your home for the semesters to come. “On Campus Living”, on the other hand, is creating a life for oneself when being on a college campus. Taking parts in campus wide events, working for the university, or even running an organization.   (more…)

This is the end

By Carlos Leon Many religions tend to break down into various smaller denominations, especially the Christian religion. There is one specific religion in particular based on Christian beliefs called the Church of the End of Times (Iglesia del Fin del Tiempo or IFT is the name and acronym in Spanish). This church has a unique prescience throughout most of Latin America (more…)

The Underrated City

By Alexis Garza Laredo: the city is considered the least diverse to some, but is also considered as the city that grew from a villa to the largest inland port on the united States-Mexican border. (more…)
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