On Campus

CAMPUS: Financial Aid Simplification Act changes FAFSA process
Finance, News, On Campus

CAMPUS: Financial Aid Simplification Act changes FAFSA process

CAMPUS: Financial Aid Simplification Act changes FAFSA process By Alexia AlemanBridge Staff PodcasterAnd Jorge EspinozaSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 TAMIU holds its annual FAFSA Drive to help students navigate the changes implemented in the new FAFSA application. Financial aid staff assist students with the process during these drives, as well as answer questions. The priority deadline for FAFSA is scheduled for March 15. Over the past three years, the Department of Education implemented certain changes as part of the FAFSA Simplification Act. The final phase is slated for the 2024-25 Award Year. Esteban Mendiola | BridgeAn unidentified student files a FAFSA application on Tuesday, Feb. 6, in the testing center in the Sen Zaffirini Success Center. ...
EDUCATION: International students adjust to TAMIU
Education, Features, International Studies, On Campus

EDUCATION: International students adjust to TAMIU

EDUCATION: International students adjust to TAMIU By Marissa ContrerasSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 As new international students join TAMIU’s campus each semester, they undergo an adjustment period. Officials from the Office of International Engagement work with them to help smooth that transition. Before admission to Texas A&M International University, the Office of International Engagement contacts international students and their affiliated schools to discuss what each student needs and what the process looks like to enter the U.S. Once this process completes and students acquire their necessary documents, they are admitted to TAMIU. Next, they begin the process of communicating with a mentor from the International Student Mentor Program. Juan...
ENVIRONMENT: Master Plan: A hope for preservation
On Campus, Science and Tech

ENVIRONMENT: Master Plan: A hope for preservation

ENVIRONMENT: Master Plan: A hope for preservation By Yessica HernandezBridge contributing writerPublished Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 The high pitch of cicadas sound through the air, birds sing, grasshoppers leap about and lizards crawl upon the dry grass. Those are the sounds students and faculty of the biology department at Texas A&M International University fear may be lost with the Master Plan.  “We can have growth and opportunities for students … and also that hands-on experience that I think is really beautiful,” Instructional Assistant Professor of biology Amede Rubio said. Carlos Andres Mounetou | BridgeTrees along Loop 20 are now removed near the TAMIU campus entrances, as seen on Feb. 9. The undeveloped land that surrounds TAMIU houses a variety of plants, in...
CAMPUS: Spirit Week features Ken-sent CAB event
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: Spirit Week features Ken-sent CAB event

CAMPUS: Spirit Week features Ken-sent CAB event By Marissa ContrerasSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 As TAMIU kicked off both Spirit Week and Consent Week, many organizations held events centered around the themes of consent and Barbie. These themes extended across campus.  Among the week of events, only one took participants on wheels: Ken-sent CAB. This event featured a golf cart, which took people to their classes or to an event they wanted to attend. Director of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Larissa Cortez, who serves as Texas A&M International University’s Title IX coordinator, said the event was inspired by the TV show Cash Cab, where players answer questions for money. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeThe Ken-sent CAB team, from left, Tit...
CAMPUS: TAMIU’s first student-led literature journal seeks to expand staff, nears publication date 
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: TAMIU’s first student-led literature journal seeks to expand staff, nears publication date 

CAMPUS: TAMIU’s first student-led literature journal seeks to expand staff, nears publication date  By Jorge EspinozaSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 The Rivergull Journal, TAMIU’s first student-led literature journal, nears its first publication release. Recently, its staff attended an organization fair in hopes of finding new prospects and members on Jan. 17 in the Student Center Ballroom. “We want to get new members,” Vice President and Lead Poetry Editor Kaitlyn Lozano said. “We don’t have a lot of members in our organization. We’re looking for editors and staff writers mostly.” Jorge Espinoza | BridgeAna Vara, left, editor-in-chief of The Rivergull Journal, speaks with students about the upcoming publication of the prose and poetry journal during t...
ARTS: TAMIU displays State of Things ceramics exhibit
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

ARTS: TAMIU displays State of Things ceramics exhibit

ARTS: TAMIU displays State of Things ceramics exhibit By Andrew ElizondoBridge Staff WriterPublished Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024 After hours in the studio and around high kiln temperatures, faculty from around TAMUS spun up an exhibition titled State of Things. From Jan. 18 to March 9, the exhibit runs in the Texas A&M International University Art Gallery in the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts. The exhibition features themes of letting go, womanhood and rebirth. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeOne of the ceramic pieces in the State of Things art exhibit on Jan. 18 in the TAMIU Art Gallery. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeOne of the ceramic pieces in the State of Things art exhibit on Jan. 18 in the TAMIU Art Gallery. Contributors include professors across the Texas A&M S...
NEWS BRIEF: Student Fee Advisory Committee meeting slated for Tuesday
Finance, News, On Campus

NEWS BRIEF: Student Fee Advisory Committee meeting slated for Tuesday

NEWS BRIEF: Student Fee Advisory Committee meeting slated for Tuesday From Staff ReportsPublished Sunday, Feb. 18, 2024 TAMIU's Student Fee Advisory Committee scheduled a meeting for 5 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 20, to discuss the status of the Health Fee Referenda and spending recommendations. The meeting is slated to take place in the Student Center Room 230 at Texas A&M International University. SFAC advises the administration on the type, amount and expenditure of compulsory fees under Texas Education Code Section 54.5031 for student service fees.
NEWS: Accusations rise against SGA for bribery, leadership integrity, improper procedures
News, On Campus, Politics

NEWS: Accusations rise against SGA for bribery, leadership integrity, improper procedures

NEWS: Accusations rise against SGA for bribery, leadership integrity, improper procedures By Ana VaraBridge Staff Writerand Destiny SanchezAssistant EditorOriginally Published Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023Republished Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024 [Editor's Note: Some updates have been made to this article to improve its accuracy since its original publication.] In a series of serious allegations, TAMIU’s Student Government Association has come under fire for improper procedures, communication problems, leadership issues and possibly even bribery. “Ant-Hill Chronicles wants to thank the public for the outstanding support we have gotten since our last publication,” are the first 18 words of a post made earlier this year, on May 1, on the Texas A&M International University Student Network o...
ARTS: Rhizome project begins production
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

ARTS: Rhizome project begins production

ARTS: Rhizome project begins production By Dora GuerreroBridge Staff WriterPublished Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 A multidisciplinary campus experience is underway, organized by a new visiting art professor. The project, called Rhizome, is more than a single piece of installation art–it encompasses visual art, philosophy, biology, dance, music, theater, and more. Texas A&M International University Visiting Assistant Professor of art Crystal Wagner, a contemporary interdisciplinary artist from Los Angeles, unveiled the early stages of her newest art piece Rhizome on Jan. 23. Throughout her 10-year artistic career, she has created installations around the world. She has worked for corporations, galleries, museums and public spaces. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeAssistant Professor of ...
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