On Campus

TAMIU Vigil For Those Lost In Orlando
On Campus

TAMIU Vigil For Those Lost In Orlando

Photos by I.M. Kero, who also contributed to this report.  June 12th, 2016 marked a tragic day in American history, as the country mourned its most fatal mass shooting to date. Forty-nine individuals lost their lives in a massacre at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The perpetrator, Omar Mateen, later died in a standoff with police. Forty more victims were hospitalized, many of them in critical condition. In wake of this tragedy, the victims, their families, and the LGBTQ+ community have received an outpouring of support from across the globe. There was no shortage of support from students and faculty at Texas A&M International University. A vigil was held on the evening of June 16th in the Student Center courtyard to honor the victims and serve as a symbol of allyship...
On Campus

Officials Speak on Zika Virus at TAMIU

Congressman Henry Cuellar (D-TX) hosted a meeting at TAMIU to discuss the treat of the Zika virus in Texas, and how it affects Laredo as a border city. Officials of the meeting discussed the actions that were being taken by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Aside from the efforts of the federal government, they discussed the efforts taken by state, local, and international agencies. Their discussions explored how all of these levels of governments could cooperate for the health of their citizens. Alongside the congressman were high-ranking officials from the CDC, as well as other government officials from the Department of Homeland Security, the State of Texas and the Texas Department of State Health Services, the City of Laredo Health Department, Webb County, and rep...
On Campus

TAMIU Shows Solidarity for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Raising awareness of sexual assault on college campuses has become a priority for many of TAMIU’s top-ranking officials and students alike. Working together with local and regional organizations, they have organized several events allowing students to inform themselves on how to prevent sexual assault and provide coping skills for themselves or other individuals who have gone through this type of trauma In a press release, Sandra Villanueva, the University’s Title IX coordinator who has lead the “It’s on US” campaigns launch on campus, stated “As a University we are accountable. We have a responsibility to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our students and community. By participating in this national campaign and wholeheartedly endorsing its message and intent, we affirm our co...
On Campus, Politics

New Gun Law To Take Effect At TAMIU

Melissa Castro, a new staff member for The Bridge News, also contributed to this report. The recently established Campus Carry Law comes into effect on August 1, 2016. It has has been raising eyebrows from Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) students. On April 27, 2016, The Texas A&M University System (TAMUS) Board of Regents accepted to comply with the law governing Campus Carry in all campuses including Texas A&M International University. TAMIU President Dr. Ray Keck states, “We are an agency of the State of Texas and are required by law to comply with the applicable Texas law.  Our rules for the campus will be in place with the law’s activation later this year.” According to the Senate Bill 11, Campus Carry Law allows license holders to carry a concealed handgun...
President Keck Leaves TAMIU
Academia, On Campus

President Keck Leaves TAMIU

A press conference was held Friday, May 6, 2016 regarding the announcement of President Ray M. Keck being made the new Interim President for Texas A&M Commerce. (more…)
Alfredo Corchado Describes “The Tragic Beauty of Mexico”
On Campus

Alfredo Corchado Describes “The Tragic Beauty of Mexico”

For individuals living along the U.S.-Mexico border, the feeling of being caught between two worlds is almost inevitable. The struggle of balancing two cultures and two languages has been portrayed across all types of media. With subjects such as immigration and drug cartel violence making daily headlines, border towns and their residents are becoming an area of interest for reporters and researchers from across the world. Alfredo Corchado, a Mexican-American journalist based in Mexico City, is no stranger to this balancing act. His lecture, Still Midnight In Mexico? Mexico’s Challenges, Journalism and the Borderlands, and the New American Narrative was presented on April 13 in the Student Center Ballroom. “This region has helped define me as a person and a journalist,” said Corchad...
Academia, On Campus

State Department Visits TAMIU

The US Department of State held a key event on campus to help promote recruitment. The event was co-hosted with Congressman Henry Cuellar. They came to give remarks and influence the importance of young professionals finding careers in the Department of State. The event was designed to answer some questions about the Department of State, as well as the application process, and the some of the criteria to earn a position. (more…)
Guest Article, On Campus

Comic book class teaches history

By Edward Garza, Student Contributor Anybody who has picked up a comic book will more than likely say they are a source of entertainment and nothing more. The brightly toned panels leap at the reader to capture their attention. Crafty home brewed villains act to generate fear and antagonize civility. Then by the end of the comic, the titular superhero rescues the girl, stops the robbery, and captures the bad guy. Today, they have spawned a multi-billion-dollar industry that continues to inspire wonder among viewers of all ages. But, what if they were more than entertainment? What if they were a source of knowledge: a looking glass into the past? If readers read carefully, they can be viable sources of historical information. This is what Dr. Richard Hall’s “Intellectual History of the U....
Academia, On Campus

Warp-PLS and the Gold Mine Every Company Does Not Know They Have

The rise of technological devices has forever changed the way we do things in our everyday lives. Just as it played a big impact on everything we do, technology also changed how we see many things. For instance, everything we do with our devices nowadays generates data. Even though we might not be aware of it, we all generate significant amounts of data, and in the right hands, this data can prove to be a gold mine waiting to be discovered. Much like this, businesses generate a vast amount of data that, without any interpretation, can go unnoticed. Data analysis will prove to be crucial in the foreseeable future as more companies start realizing that within them is the answer to all their problems. Dr. Ned Kock, Chair of the Division of International Business and Technology Studies here...
On Campus

Laredo High School Film & Media Festival at TAMIU

  TAMIU held a series of workshops for the Laredo High School Film and Media Festival on March 22, 2016. Graduate and undergraduate students from Professor Marcela Moran’s communication and media courses presented different film topics in panel style sessions for the high school students. The first session was conducted by undergraduate students who spoke on the duties of a director behind the scenes. The group discussed pre-production and included tips to get through filming without losing friends in the process. Gerardo Lerma, a former VMT student led the session and he gave a crash course on building a narrative. Some tips for preproduction were to always use a storyboard and shot list. The students stated that they are essential for staying on time and on track. The group...
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