Grassroots organization believes efforts finally paid off
Grassroots organization believes efforts finally paid off
By Matthew BalderasBridge OmbudsmanandDavid Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Friday, March 5, 2021
“Mr. Gorbachev, tear down that wall,” were famous words heard around the world as spoken by President Ronald Reagan in 1987. Who would have thought similar words would be spoken today in 2021?
Back on Jan. 20 the U.S. swore in President Joseph R. Biden Jr. and with a stroke of a pen, he halted construction on the southern border wall.
In a Media Advisory report, Tricia Cortez, executive director with the Rio Grande International Study Center, founding member of the Laredo No Border Wall Coalition, said, “This is a huge win and a critical first step for our community, our river, our future. After two years of operating in c...