Life & Arts

TAMIU chamber singers face coronavirus challenges
Entertainment, Features, Health, Life & Arts, On Campus, Web Exclusive

TAMIU chamber singers face coronavirus challenges

WEB EXCLUSIVE DECEMBER ISSUE TAMIU chamber singers face coronavirus challenges By Angeline ChavanaBridge contributing writerPublished Sunday, Nov. 28, 2021 Despite being Back Together, TAMIU’s chamber singers faces their own pandemic woes this semester. After Texas A&M International University opened its doors to all students at the beginning of the semester, choir students wondered if it was safe for them to keep attending singing rehearsals. David Gomez Jr. | BridgeInstructor of music Dana Crabtree, next to right, leads the TAMIU Choir Chamber while accompanied by Associate Professor of music Colin A. Campbell on piano during the Wednesday, Nov. 17, performance. TAMIU’s Back Together plan included students’ return to face-to-face classes with some restrictions, such...
Pair of poem presenters paw prizes
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

Pair of poem presenters paw prizes

Pair of poem presenters paw prizes By Juan ReyesBridge Staff WriterOriginally published in the print edition on Friday, Nov. 19, 2021 During a recent poetry slam event, students shared cultural experiences through the voice of poetry. Two of Texas A&M International University’s Greek Life organizations, Sigma Lambda Beta and the Delta Xi Nu “Honeys,” hosted the event at the Student Center, providing food for attendees and prizes for poem presenters. Karla De Leon | BridgeAn unidentified participant recites her poetry to the small audience for the “Global Diversity Awareness Poetry Slam“ event in the Student Center on Oct. 27. Based on Instagram posts promoting this event, the slam poetry event was organized to allow students “to show pride, critique, love and more for yo...
Music performances return to Recital Hall
Life & Arts, On Campus

Music performances return to Recital Hall

Music performances return to Recital Hall By Kayzee OralloBridge contributing writerOriginally published in the print edition on Friday, Nov. 19, 2021 One of the campus adaptations to a somewhat normal college experience includes a move back onto the stage for live performances. “Since March 2020, there have been no performances of any kind, so this is our first year back doing anything,” Texas A&M International University Department of Fine and Performing Arts Chair James Moyer said. Joy Davis | BridgeAssistant Professor of music Sarah Hetrick reacts to receiving a standing ovation inside the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts Recital Hall on Oct. 29 as part of the returning recitals. Before, band performances completely stopped, while recitals transpired exclusive...
Maroon Madness Returns
Entertainment, Features, Humans of TAMIU, Life & Arts, Men's Basketball, On Campus, Photo Essay, Sports, Women's Basketball

Maroon Madness Returns

Maroon Madness Returns By David Gomez Jr. Editor-in-chiefPublished Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021 Maroon Madness brought the return of food, fun and competition to TAMIU after two years since the 2019 offering.  The Texas A&M International University Kinesiology, Wellness and Recreation Center again housed one of TAMIU’s biggest annual events. Before the start of basketball season, the event takes the form of a pep rally to bring an escape after midterms. Kicked off at 4:30 p.m. by the Spooky Fest, food and games occurred on the lawn in front of the building before the doors opened at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 28. David Gomez Jr. | BridgeA crowd of students compete for a free Dustdevils baseball cap during Maroon Madness on Thursday, Oct. 28, in the TAMIU gymnasium. ...
Continuing Education offers alternatives for occupational advancement
Academia, Education, Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

Continuing Education offers alternatives for occupational advancement

Continuing Education offers alternatives for occupational advancement By Orlando GonzalezBridge contributing writerPublished Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021 Sometimes, people seek an education but not a specific degree. For that, there’s Continuing Education. This program allows people to continue pursuing a career or to learn a new skill. Texas A&M International University’s Continuing Education program offers courses for people to achieve their occupational goals. “Continuing Education is the non-credit side of the University,” Office of Continuing Education Director Susan M. Foster said. “Our courses are certificate programs, where people can take an online course to get certified in different areas whether it is health care, whether it is business, whether it is criminal justi...
TAMIU administration, University Learning Complex residents confront harassment, abuse
Life & Arts, On Campus

TAMIU administration, University Learning Complex residents confront harassment, abuse

TAMIU administration, University Learning Complex residents confront harassment, abuse By Mario LopezCirculation ManagerPublished Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 TAMIU’s Office of Housing and Residence Life administration and residents at the University Learning Community take any form of harassment and abuse seriously. Texas A&M International University is an open campus, which means people can come and go at any time. The possibilities of harassment or abuse to a student by someone internal or external to the University exist. The student residents at the ULC are no exception. Director of Housing and Residence Life Manuel Vela said his office remains vigilant for the safety and wellbeing of resident students. Karla De Leon | BridgeUniversity Village’s community lounge is a sh...
Dungeons & Dragons delves into campus
Entertainment, Life & Arts, On Campus

Dungeons & Dragons delves into campus

Dungeons & Dragons delves into campus By Alejandro CarbajalIllustratorAndBy David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 The Dungeons & Dragons Organization on campus conjures up, as if by magical means, a way for students to try something new and communicate with fellow roleplayers. Also known as D&D Club for short, the organization began just before the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic. Before it could even get going, the club stuttered as if down to a single hit point and almost ceased its existence. In October, the club found a proverbial potion of healing and its status with SOLE resumed as an official campus club. Due to the pandemic, the organization’s presence primarily existed and also continues online. Though in-person events now...
TAMIU students volunteer at Pillar’s Black Out Haunted House
Entertainment, Features, Life & Arts

TAMIU students volunteer at Pillar’s Black Out Haunted House

TAMIU students volunteer at Pillar’s Black Out Haunted House By Carolina CruzBridge Staff WriterPublished Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 Halloween time is finally here. Gather round, for something comes near. As witches and goblins begin to reappear, spirits and zombies plan to domineer. Can visitors survive this spooky season’s house of fear? Pillar hosts the Black Out Haunted House at Mall del Norte on the weekends of Oct. 15-17, Oct. 21-24, Oct. 28-31, and Nov. 4-7. Carolina Cruz | BridgeThe Black Out Haunted House at Mall del Norte recently. As a non-profit mental health organization, Pillar’s goal is to help people with substance abuse, reduce bullying, suicide prevention and help increase access to mental health services in the community. Texas A&M International Univ...
Faculty exhibit work in art show
Life & Arts, On Campus

Faculty exhibit work in art show

Faculty exhibit work in art show By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 The College of Arts and Sciences recently welcomed students, and community, to the Think Fast! art exhibition at the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts.  Faculty opened the gallery doors back on Sept. 30 during a reception with the artists. Of course, masks were still recommended. Now this event can only be viewed by appointment through Assistant Professor of art Jesse Shaw. “I enjoyed having the opportunity to talk to students about my work, and I welcome all the questions and observations about the works in the exhibition,” Assistant Professor of art Emily Bayless said in an email sent to The Bridge. “I hope this type of dialogue and discussion will continue with futur...
Halloween Toyshow offers action figures, collectibles, smiles
Business, Entertainment, Features, Life & Arts

Halloween Toyshow offers action figures, collectibles, smiles

Halloween Toyshow offers action figures, collectibles, smiles By Jhoanna AngelesSocial Media ManagerPublished Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 Local collectors searched through bins, counters, racks and shelves looking for that elusive collectible. On Saturday, Oct. 2, local collectors hosted The Laredo Toyshow Halloween Edition at Embassy Suites on Calle del Norte. Jhoanna Angeles | BridgeAn unidentified person sells masks at a table full of Halloween decorations on Saturday, Oct. 2, at Embassy Suites Hotel in Laredo during The Laredo Toyshow Halloween Edition. Close to 30 vendors attended the event to share products with fanatics who attended the event, which consisted of toys, anime collectibles, comics, trading cards, Funko Pops and more. Texport vendor Salma Guzman recalled ho...
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