
Editorial cartoons and other illustrations.

OPINION: Lack of access as useful as plastic baby keys
Editorial, Illustrations, Opinion

OPINION: Lack of access as useful as plastic baby keys

OPINION: Lack of access as useful as plastic baby keys By Elizabeth KennedyBridge IllustratorPublished Tuesday, Sept. 19, 2023 This illustration is inspired by my Residential Learning Community move-in experience this semester. Despite signing the lease and paying in full, somehow my card never got granted access into the residence halls, locking me out and making it functionally useless as a key. Elizabeth Kennedy | Bridge illustration
OPINION: Trans rights are human rights
Illustrations, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Trans rights are human rights

OPINION: Trans rights are human rights By Elizabeth KennedyBridge IllustratorPublished Thursday, March 23, 2023 During the past few months, dozens of anti-LGBT bills have been proposed in Texas. The focus of multiple bills reduces access to or downright bans trans healthcare and visibility, even including medical procedures for trans adults. Though some politicians wish we would disappear, trans people will not be gotten rid of. Elizabeth Kennedy | Bridge illustration
OPINION: ‘Tis the Season: Doom, gloom meet Halloween
Editorial, Illustrations, Opinion

OPINION: ‘Tis the Season: Doom, gloom meet Halloween

OPINION: 'Tis the Season: Doom, gloom meet Halloween By Alejandro CarbajalBridge IllustratorPublished Sunday, Oct. 23, 2022 Alejandro Carbajal | Bridge illustrationDuring October 2022, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have nearly filled their ranks. Like Conquest invoking Pestilence, diseases such as monkeypox and COVID-19 threaten us. Like War spreading conflict and strife, the war between Russia and the Ukraine—as well as other global conflicts—cause the fear of nuclear war, while hurricanes and floods add more strife. The food-merchant symbolizing Famine raises costs as inflation soars on our economic rollercoaster. The world is turned upside down. Where is the fourth horseman? The pale rider known as Death may wait just around the corner.
OPINION: World loses valued leader
Editorial, Illustrations, Opinion

OPINION: World loses valued leader

OPINION: World loses valued leader Alejandro Carbajal | Bridge Illustration “I believe that, young or old, we have as much to look forward to with confidence and hope as we have to look back on with pride.”Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor of the United Kingdom By Alejandro CarbajalBridge IllustratorPublished Sunday, Sept. 18, 2022 The world lost one of its longest-reigning leaders on Sept. 8 as Queen Elizabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor of the United Kingdom passed away. Most of the world knew her simply as Queen Elizabeth II. Her full title included the following: by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and of her other realms and territories queen, head of the Commonwealth, defender of the faith. She was born April 21, 1926, in Lo...
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