
CARES Act provides campus loaner laptops
Academia, Education, Finance, Health, News, On Campus, Science and Tech

CARES Act provides campus loaner laptops

CARES Act provides campus loaner laptops By Gabriela ChapaBridge Staff InternPublished Monday, Sept. 14, 2020 Purchasing 500 laptops for its new Student Loaner Laptop Program, TAMIU helps students continue course attendance during the fall semester. As the times continue to change due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the return to face-to-face classes, Texas A&M International University released a new program where students can check out a laptop for the semester. The Student Loaner Laptop Program was created through the TAMIU CARES Program with the goal of helping students who struggle with technology and want to continue their classes. TAMIU purchased these devices that are being distributed to students. Students enrolled in both Fall and Spring semesters will be able to keep...
City issues quarantine orders, not applicable to TAMIU
Academia, Education, Health, On Campus

City issues quarantine orders, not applicable to TAMIU

City issues quarantine orders, not applicable to TAMIU By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Monday, Sept. 7, 2020 Laredo Health Authority Dr. Victor Treviño laid down quarantine orders last week on two of TAMIU’s buildings only to later rescind those orders under state revocation. On Tuesday, Sept. 1, Treviño had papers served to Texas A&M International University for a quarantine of the Academic Innovation Center and the Kinesiology, Wellness, & Recreation Center. Jessica Rodriguez | BridgeSocial distancing signs are placed all over campus, as seen Sept. 4. “Under the orders issued by Governor [Greg] Abbott and other state law, the (Laredo health authority) does not have the legal power to issue quarantine orders to this University,” TAMIU President Pablo Aren...
Business, Editorial, Health, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Internships, more hurt by COVID-19

OPINION: Internships, more hurt by COVID-19 By Tomas CruzBridge Marketing DirectorPublished Monday, May 11, 2020 The Spring 2020 semester rapidly became one of the toughest semesters for many students’ academic journey at TAMIU. The coronavirus pandemic impacted not only our university, but the rest of the world. As a Texas A&M International University senior, I faced many bumps on the road to finish my degree. This spring semester I was interning at a marketing/advertising agency for my COMM 4350 Internship course. Due to the COVID-19 shutdown, many interns faced issues with internship locations closing and not being able to complete their hours. While some of us were able to work remotely, many others were unfortunately not able to return to their internship because n...
Spring graduation falls shy of fall semester
Academia, Business, Health, News, On Campus

Spring graduation falls shy of fall semester

Spring graduation falls shy of fall semester By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Monday, May 11, 2020  This spring’s graduation occurs at the beginning of the fall semester on Thursday, Aug. 13, at the Sames Auto Arena, due to the pandemic. On April 17, Texas A&M International University President Pablo Arenaz, appeared in a video in full regalia, in front of the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts organ, speaking to the 50th graduating class in TAMIU history. He said the graduation ceremony, along with summer commencement exercises, would be postponed until mid-August before the start of the fall semester because of the coronavirus pandemic affecting day-to-day routines. “The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on life as we know it,” Arenaz told viewers of ...
$4.75 million TAMIU CARES Program grants emergency funds to students
Academia, Education, Finance, Health, News, On Campus, Web Exclusive

$4.75 million TAMIU CARES Program grants emergency funds to students

$4.75 million TAMIU CARES Program grants emergency funds to students By Jessica RodriguezDirector of PhotographyPublished Monday, May 4, 2020 On April 24, TAMIU announced it will give emergency grants to students thanks to the TAMIU CARES Program. These funds could begin disbursing to applicants as early as May 8. As one of the many universities which received this emergency grant from the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act approved by the Department of Education, Texas A&M International University was awarded $9 million. This amount was based on the number of students enrolled who qualify for the Pell Grant and those who do not. According to the CARES Act, the money would be split in half so $4.75 million will go to the university and the other half provided to...
Features, Health, Life & Arts, News

PHOTO GALLERY: Pandemic life

PHOTO STORY: Pandemic life By Jessica RodriguezDirector of PhotographyandAlejandro HernandezBridge Staff WriterPublished Monday, May 4, 2020 Residents shopping for essentials at a local grocery store on April 19. Jessica RodriguezAn abandoned swing set at 3 Points Park amid COVID-19 emergecy orders on April 19. | Jessica RodriguezBuilding a mask. Jessica RodriguezResidents shopping for essentials at a local grocery store on April 19. Jessica RodriguezAn empty street in downtown Laredo due to the closure of nonessential businesses on April 19. | Alejandro HernandezBuilding a mask. Jessica RodriguezResidents shopping for essentials at a local grocery store on April 19.Empty Sears parking lot due to closure of nonessential businesses amid COVID-19 pandemic on April 19. Jessica Rodrigue...
QUARANTINE CORNER: Dealing with the pandemic – Part 1
Features, Health, Humans of TAMIU, Life & Arts, Web Exclusive

QUARANTINE CORNER: Dealing with the pandemic – Part 1

TAMIU together: dealing with the pandemic By Angela K. CarranzaBridge Staff WriterPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 [Editor’s note: The following is the first installment in a series of articles about different Texas A&M International University students, faculty and staff who are working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope their stories can be as inspiring to you as we found them to be.] Daniel RodriguezTAMIU senior During the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals discover how to keep themselves busy in many different ways. For example, some take up different hobbies: cooking, reading, gaming, etc. But for Texas A&M International University senior Daniel Rodriguez, a variety of hobbies keep him occupied throughout the day. “I have been living alone for quite som...
Coronavirus affects TAMIU campus
Health, International Affairs, On Campus

Coronavirus affects TAMIU campus

Coronavirus affects TAMIU campus By Maria ReyneroBridge contributing writer Published Monday, April 20, 2020 As the threat of COVID-19 spread, TAMIU’s policy began and continues to be following the regulations and guidelines of the City of Laredo Health Department. Since the initial spread, the campus was partially closed for many activities, face masks are required to enter campus buildings, and other initiatives set forth by Laredo. A virus which began as a case in Wuhan, China, became an outbreak, and spread to numerous other countries before becoming a global pandemic. The coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, spread to the U.S. It can be deadly once it causes the COVID-19 disease. Anyone showing symptoms is encouraged to seek medical attention and supervision. As of ...
New additions made to the College of Nursing
Academia, Education, Health

New additions made to the College of Nursing

New additions made to the College of Nursing By Amber DavilaBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 13, 2020 The College of Nursing and Health Sciences underwent several changes; it continues adding to its variety of degrees. Now the college offers different types of majors and certifications. Texas A&M International University students can major in more than nursing alone. “The College of Nursing now has communication disorder, kinesiology non-certification, nursing and starting this fall, we will have public health,” academic adviser Anna Buentello said. “So, that’s a new program upcoming [this] fall semester. This is for the students that are not admitted to the nursing program. We’re gonna recommend that they do the public health program because it has similar...
Coronavirus: ‘It’s a new one and we’ve never seen it’
Health, News, On Campus

Coronavirus: ‘It’s a new one and we’ve never seen it’

Coronavirus ‘It’s a new one and we’ve never seen it’ By Jessica RodriguezDirector of PhotographyPublished March 30, 2020 New-year goal setting and good cheer quickly disappeared as the latest health scare puts the world on notice—the coronavirus. On the last day of December 2019, the Chinese government informed the World Health Organization of an epidemic of flu-like cases in Wuhan, Hubei Province, China, home to more than 11 million residents. People became ill and it began to spread, increasing the number infected. Officials believed the disease to be part of the coronavirus family. According to WHO, coronavirus is a “family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe dis-eases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acu...
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