Guest Article

Guest Article

Home of the Mighty Fighting Buckaroos

By Adrian Campos, ECHS Student Contributor  My hometown Freer, Texas located in Duval County at the intersection of U.S. Highway 59 and State highways 16, 44, and 339. It’s only 60 miles east of Laredo, Texas and is where I’ve grown up all my life. It’s a small town with a population of only 3,241 where everybody knows each other. If you’ve ever lived in a small town then you know what it’s like. Freer is named after Daniel John Freer, who was born in Pennsylvania in 1866. Freer married Nancy Gabehart in 1890. They had six children, one son named Charley, and five daughters. In 1915 the family discovered an advertisement in a newspaper for people to come to “Rosita Valley” (later known as Freer) to buy land at $1.000 for 60 acres. Mr.Freer sent his son Charley to check out the situat...
Guest Article, On Campus

Comic book class teaches history

By Edward Garza, Student Contributor Anybody who has picked up a comic book will more than likely say they are a source of entertainment and nothing more. The brightly toned panels leap at the reader to capture their attention. Crafty home brewed villains act to generate fear and antagonize civility. Then by the end of the comic, the titular superhero rescues the girl, stops the robbery, and captures the bad guy. Today, they have spawned a multi-billion-dollar industry that continues to inspire wonder among viewers of all ages. But, what if they were more than entertainment? What if they were a source of knowledge: a looking glass into the past? If readers read carefully, they can be viable sources of historical information. This is what Dr. Richard Hall’s “Intellectual History of the U....
Guest Article

The Pope of Mercy

By Dr. Daniel De La Miyar, Adjunct Professor of Communication and Faculty Advisor for The Bridge 2016 marks the Holy Year of Mercy within the Catholic Church as designated by Pope Francis with the motto “Merciful like the Father”. During this Holy Year of Mercy, Mexico celebrated His Holiness Pope Francis’ first visit to Aztec land as the first Latin American Pope during a six-day pastoral tour that included the newly renamed Mexico City, and the states of Mexico, Michoacan, Chiapas and Chihuahua. (more…)
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