Guest Article

OPINION: Degree earners seek knowledge, beauty, truth
Guest Article, Letter to the Editor, Opinion

OPINION: Degree earners seek knowledge, beauty, truth

OPINION: Degree earners seek knowledge, beauty, truth By Osvaldo De LeonGuest ColumnistPublished Tuesday, May 17, 2022 A letter to future graduates: If you are reading this, it is because you are or will be a future graduate from a university. Let me begin by saying congratulations on your accomplishments in your academic career. Not everyone gets to have such a privilege like you. Osvaldo De Leon In fact, your unique attainment is not common in the history of the world. Degrees were given to the few intelligent and curious-minded, like yourself. Throughout your academic career, you majored in a discipline that made you happy, and eager to pursue knowledge, beauty and truth. These transcendental ideals made the University a place where the individual cultivates his/her mind ...
OPINION: GUEST COLUMN: The campus: It’s in your hands
Guest Article, Opinion

OPINION: GUEST COLUMN: The campus: It’s in your hands

OPINION: GUEST COLUMN: The campus: It’s in your hands By Lourdes Maria BoardmanStudent Government Association PresidentPublished Tuesday, Nov. 16, 2021 It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to write here, but most of all for you to read this. I am Lourdes Maria Boardman, your current student government president. I decided to write a little about my experience and try to motivate you to become more engaged and involved in our University. Lourdes Maria BoardmanTAMIU Student Government Association President Entering Texas A&M International University in 2019 was a challenging experience for me. I finished high school in Nuevo Laredo. Spanish is my first language; it was the first time I changed schools, so everything was new for me. I remember falling in love with ou...
GUEST COLUMN: ‘Oh—that’s a truck’
Guest Article, In Our View, Opinion

GUEST COLUMN: ‘Oh—that’s a truck’

GUEST COLUMN: ‘Oh—that’s a truck’ By Miguel A. Cabello Jr.Bridge guest columnistPublished March 25, 2021 [Editor’s note: This article was originally written for adjunct faculty member Deena Garza’s English 1301 course on Sept. 23, 2019.] It’s quite strange what your mind can think of when you’re so close to death. For me, that thought was, “Oh—that’s a truck.” The day was Sept. 11, 2019, and as usual, I was headed to school. As for my mother, she was going to have a typical day at the office. “Hurry up, Mikey; if you take this long getting ready, school will be let out for the summer,” my mom said with that classic motherly sarcasm. Miguel A. Cabello Jr. With a rehearsed tone I said, “Ha ha…very funny… I’ll have you know I’m already ready.”  I felt proud saying those...
Sen. Sanders stops in San Antonio
Guest Article, News, Politics

Sen. Sanders stops in San Antonio

Sen. Sanders stops in San Antonio By Alejandro HernandezSpecial to The BridgePublished March 30, 2020     Riding the momentum of two primary victories, presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, D-Vt., made it imperative to rally in Texas. Sanders focused several stops throughout this significant super Tuesday state—including San Antonio.     Held on Feb. 22 at the Cowboys Dancehall during the Nevada primary caucus, supporters and media in attendance viewed the results live, leading to loud celebratory reactions for Sanders’ strong lead.     Sanders walked on stage and led the rally after being declared the Nevada caucus winner. First, he introduced his wife, Jane Sanders, as “the next first lady,” spurring “Jane” chants from the crowd ...
Paying It Forward with Project Pengyou
Guest Article, International Studies

Paying It Forward with Project Pengyou

By Soledad Olmeda From January 27th to February 2nd, Project Pengyou hosted an event for chapters across the nation to celebrate Chinese New Year by paying it forward. This event was called Pay It Forward on Chinese New Year (PIFOCNY) and the purpose was for each respective chapter to “adopt” a school in their community and inspire children to learn about China. The ultimate goal of PIFOCNY is to teach kids to become aware of other cultures, and to teach empathy and respect to them at a young age.   (more…)
Guest Article

Gender Studies — More than Misandry

By Amanda Castillo The last decade has been defined by a rising understanding of the harmful implicit attitudes present in society. More recently, and most visibly, the issues that have taken center stage in the media are related to racial and gender discrimination. Movements that address these issues are widely heard about and both are heavily misconstrued. When it comes to critiques surrounding the implicit and casual racism in the United States, opponents of these ideas misdirect these conversations so that what was originally a conversation surrounding the police brutality directed towards people of color becomes a conversation about how #AllLivesMatter. Something very similar happens when it comes to the conversations related to the study and critique of attitudes surrounding gend...
Guest Article

Supporting a Friend Through Mental Illness

By Amanda Castillo Mental illness—In America, it is a phrase that is met with judgement, assumptions, and a lot of stigma. For those who experience mental illness, they are plagued with feelings of isolation and, oftentimes, a lack of compassion and understanding from those around them. On the other hand, people who do not experience mental illness often feel uncomfortable thinking about it and are unsure of how to approach people who are open about their mental illness. The end result is a distinct separation and wariness from both parties and a lack of supportive communities for people who suffer from mental illness. (more…)
Student Seeks To Improve Daily Commute For Students
Civil Affairs, Guest Article

Student Seeks To Improve Daily Commute For Students

By Daniela Rodriguez, Student Contributor As a student of Texas A&M International University, I am very proud to be part of a great community within a great city. I live near Merida Avenue, which is only a 15 minute car ride to TAMIU. However, when I ride the bus, travelling takes more than two hours. Besides myself, many other students struggle with the same situation. Throughout the eight months I have been riding the bus, I have realized the city needs to expand their routes and schedules, add the number of the route to every post, and add a map to every bus stop. It is necessary that the proper authorities realize Laredo is growing rapidly, and that they should expand their routes to accommodate this growth. For example, according to El Metro Transit website, there are 22 bus r...
Guest Article

TAMIU visits Texas A&M Law School

By Francisco Garza, Student Contributor The drive to and from Fort Worth, Texas gave me enough time to decide where I wanted to go to for law school. Once the Pre-Law Chapter got to the hotel, settled in, unpacked, and washed up for dinner. Once we all met at the lobby, we took a unique bus downtown to Ricky’s Barbeque. It had the most delicious barbeque ribs and brisket I’ve ever tasted. This restaurant was recommended to us by the Texas A&M Law School staff. These people were tremendously smart and enthusiastic. They not only talked to about the beautiful city, but they encouraged us to attend their law school. Over dinner, one professor informed us about the majority of things that go on in his business law class and benefits of attending their Texas A&M Law School. The ne...
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