
CAMPUS: Earth Day Festival brings in donations
Features, On Campus

CAMPUS: Earth Day Festival brings in donations

CAMPUS: Earth Day Festival brings in donations By Alejandro Garcia IVBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, May 16, 2022 Thousands of dollars in resources and goods were donated to TAMIU’s Environmental Health and Safety Department for this year's Earth Day Festival. Samantha Gonzalez | BridgeStudent-created leaf pledges show students' desire to celebrate Earth Day on April 22 at TAMIU. Schneider Electric donated more than $2,500 in materials, such as the bicycle repair station, gardening supplies, stickers, T-shirts, reusable tote bags with goodies and more. The Environmental Health and Safety Department unveiled the new bicycle repair station to promote bicycling and energy conservation. The new bicycle repair station is located near the Recreational Center. This year...
ARTS: Creating their final show
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

ARTS: Creating their final show

ARTS: Creating their final show By Heron CarramanBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, May 16, 2022 Before they said goodbye to the University, the visual arts seniors put on one last show: the Nine Devines. Nine Texas A&M International University students presented their work at the senior exhibition. The show presented works from various visual arts seniors ranging from paintings to drawings. “[We had] a wide range of techniques and content,” Assistant Professor of art Jesse Shaw said. “This year, many students are interested in installation art and mixed media. [There were] works with many components displayed in three-dimensional space.” Samantha Gonzalez | BridgeA cyanotype and ceramics piece by Isai Olivas from the Blue Journey hangs on the wall on April 26 i...
TAMIU holds second Lavender Graduation
Features, Humans of TAMIU, On Campus

TAMIU holds second Lavender Graduation

TAMIU holds second Lavender Graduation By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Monday, May 16, 2022 A group of 13 Dustdevils took pride in receiving their purple stole and cord at the University’s second Lavender Graduation hosted by SOLE. At 2 p.m. Wednesday, May 11, the LGBTQ+ cording ceremony, also known as Lavender Graduation, was held in the Texas A&M International University Student Center Room 236, hosted by the Office of Student Orientation, Leadership & Engagement. “Today celebrates our Dustdevils and the ceremony focuses, and honors, students who identify with the LGBTQIA+ community,” Assistant Director of SOLE Nayeli Lopez said. “It is a ceremony celebrated across the United States to honor lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and allied students to ...
CAMPUS: Organizations face off in Dusty Cup
Entertainment, Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: Organizations face off in Dusty Cup

CAMPUS: Organizations face off in Dusty Cup By Carolina CruzBridge Staff WriterPublished Wednesday, May 11, 2022 Get Ready. Set. Go! Texas A&M International University student organizations went face-to-face with one another in this year’s annual Dusty Cup. Samantha Gonzalez | BridgeIsamary Martinez, left, guides Daniella Delgado in a blind dodgeball game for the Dusty Cup event at TAMIU's Rec Center on April 24. TAMIU organizations participate in a series of competitions, called Dusty Cup, for the opportunity to win prizes which benefit their organizations. It was held on April 24 this year.  “We do a physical portion, academics and social media,” Traditions Committee Chair Monserrat Garza said. “So, all the organizations compete for a chance to win between thre...
CAMPUS: Spring Fling night brings in full house
Entertainment, Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: Spring Fling night brings in full house

CAMPUS: Spring Fling night brings in full house By Samantha GonzalezBridge Staff InternPublished Tuesday, May 10, 2022 Another of TAMIU’s traditions made a recent comeback after spending time on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From 9 p.m. to midnight on April 30, Texas A&M International University hosted its Spring Fling event at the Student Center Ballroom. The event followed the Student Life Awards and included free drinks and food, as well as a photo area for students. The free event encouraged students to celebrate the end of the semester. Samantha Gonzalez | BridgeStudents dance the night away on the ballroom dance floor during the traditional Spring Fling hosted by TAMIU on April 30. "I had no idea that we were even having a Spring Fling until the night of,” T...
RESEARCH: Improved intergenerational communication key to preventing misinformation, local study shows
Academia, Education, Features, Health, Humans of TAMIU, On Campus, Politics, Science and Tech

RESEARCH: Improved intergenerational communication key to preventing misinformation, local study shows

RESEARCH: Improved intergenerational communication key to preventing misinformation, local study shows By Mireilly Gonzalez Bridge Staff InternPublished Thursday, May 5, 2022 Two TAMIU professors discovered a possible key to battle local misinformation. Texas A&M International University Assistant Professor of communication Arthur Soto-Vásquez and Assistant Professor of social sciences Wanzhu Shi worked together on a research article on COVID-19 misinformation. “We found a lot of interesting stuff,” Soto-Vásquez recalled of their joint research. Karla De Leon | Bridge Assistant Professor of communication Arthur Soto-Vásquez looks at the computer screen in his office in the Academic Innovation Center on Apr. 27. One of their key findings revolves around the idea o...
LIFE: Easter filled with more than just confetti
Features, Life & Arts

LIFE: Easter filled with more than just confetti

LIFE: Easter filled with more than just confetti By Samantha GonzalezBridge Staff InternPublished Friday, April 22, 2022 Easter came and went this past weekend. There were skeptics who believed Easter Sunday was going to be a scorcher and held their cookouts and get-togethers on Saturday, but cloudy skies and breezes took Sunday celebrators by surprise. Temperatures were in the 100s on Saturday. According to the Weather Channel website, it felt like 109 degrees. Those temps were felt by Texas A&M International University alumna Gloria C. Gomez. Marco Villarreal | BridgeWith a smack at the piñata, candy falls out as unidentified people look on during Easter Sunday. “It was so dang hot on Saturday,” Gomez said. “I absolutely felt like we should’ve just waited till Sunday t...
TAMIU students clean Las Palmas Park at the Big Event
Civil Affairs, Features, Humans of TAMIU, News

TAMIU students clean Las Palmas Park at the Big Event

TAMIU students clean Las Palmas Park at the Big Event By Gabrielle PratherAssistant EditorPublished Wednesday, April 20, 2022 When TAMIU students choose to help Laredo each spring, they like to go big. After all, the expression is “Go big or go home.” “Go big” they did. More than 450 volunteers painted, worked in yards and picked up trash—just a few of the types of activities students engaged in to help through the Big Event on Saturday, March 26. The Texas A&M International University Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement works with a typical 350 participants to help the environment. This year, more than 450 volunteers showed up to help. Samantha Gonzalez | BridgeTAMIU junior Emiliano Benavides helps out during the Big Event Saturday, March 26, at Las Palma...
GREEK LIFE: Fraternities, sororities celebrate Greek Week
Features, Humans of TAMIU, On Campus

GREEK LIFE: Fraternities, sororities celebrate Greek Week

GREEK LIFE: Fraternities, sororities celebrate Greek Week By Elis Reyes-SanchezBridge Staff InternPublished Thurssday, April 14, 2022 In a celebration of their way of life, the Greek community once again held Greek Week. Through Greek Week, the members of the various social fraternities and sororities get together and host a variety of events to promote awareness of their organizations. From March 28 to April 1, the Greeks—Alpha Psi Lambda, Delta Xi Nu, Kappa Delta Chi, Omega Delta Phi, Sigma Delta Lambda, Sigma Lambda Beta and Sigma Lambda Gamma—came together to present events to introduce their organizations and also raise awareness for Dusty’s Food Pantry, which benefits Texas A&M International University students. Elis Reyes-Sanchez | BridgeThe TAMIU Greeks play a ga...
DESTINATION: FLORENCE—Study abroad returns, Carrieres lead Italy trip
Features, International Studies

DESTINATION: FLORENCE—Study abroad returns, Carrieres lead Italy trip

DESTINATION: FLORENCE Study abroad returns, Carrieres lead Italy trip By Jessica ArroyoBridge contributing writerPublished Thursday, April 14, 2022 [Editor’s Note: This story is a follow-up to our February 2022 article titled “TAMIU study abroad returns.”] With trips around the globe back on the menu, students can once again explore through faculty-led programs. Texas A&M International University language studies faculty members Julien F. Carriere and Melody Carriere plan to lead their program once again as study abroad returns May 31 to June 29. The destination is Florence, Italy, for their first trip since 2019—before the pandemic began. “We’ve been leading abroad programs since the early 2000s,” Melody Carriere said, “but we’ve been traveling together since ‘98 in ...
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