
CAMPUS: Greeks, CAB host karaoke events
Entertainment, Features, On Campus

CAMPUS: Greeks, CAB host karaoke events

CAMPUS: Greeks, CAB host karaoke events By Elizabeth KennedyBridge Staff InternPublished Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022 Overcoming one’s fears is one way to break out of a shell. Karaoke can be one way to do just that—and one campus fraternity and the Campus Activities Board helped make this happen. Alpha Psi Lambda, a national co-ed Latino-oriented fraternity, held its free karaoke event Aug. 30 in the Student Center as part of its Recruitment Week. The event lasted from 5 to 7 p.m. Bags of chips were set out along with QR-codes linking to more information about the fraternity. APSI members were on standby to answer questions between songs. Joy Davis | BridgeStudent Francisco Jose Cortes sings a Mexican song during Camp Rock Karaoke Night, sponsored by Delta Xi Nu Multicultural Sorori...
ARTS: Abandoned art makes its way around campus
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

ARTS: Abandoned art makes its way around campus

ARTS: Abandoned art makes its way around campus By Heron CarramanBridge Contributing WriterPublished Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022 Most people would never want to abandon their artworks, but some students would beg to differ. The students in Instructor of art Sandra Martinez’s class left their art behind all over Texas A&M International University for others to find. People can expect to find a variety of pieces all around campus, waiting to be discovered by passersby. “The abandoned artwork can be anything they wish to create–jewelry, drawing, painting, etc.,” Martinez said. David Peralta | BridgeThis ceramic sculpture by artist Eddy Rosas from the Spring 2021 Ceramics I class sits in a glass display case at the Student Center. Along with choosing what to create, the studen...
ARTS: FPA presents Music on the Menu
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

ARTS: FPA presents Music on the Menu

ARTS: FPA presents Music on the Menu By Mireilly GonzalezAssistant EditorPublished Sunday, Sept. 25, 2022 Four TAMIU faculty jazzed up the place to demonstrate and inspire students with a love for an improvisational genre of music—and all that jazz. The Department of Fine and Performing Arts presented Music on the Menu with a jazz ensemble including Senior Lecturer Jerry Quintero on the piano, Department Chair and Associate Professor James Moyer on the drums, Professor Gilberto Soto on the bass, and Assistant Professor Nicole Gillotti on the trumpet. Karla De Leon | BridgeFrom left, Senior Lecturer Jerry Quintero on piano, Assistant Professor Nicole Gillotti on trumpet, Department Chair and Associate Professor James Moyer on drums and Associate Professor Gilberto Soto on bass p...
NEWS: TAMIU student wins state writing award
Education, Features, Humans of TAMIU, Life & Arts, News, On Campus

NEWS: TAMIU student wins state writing award

NEWS: TAMIU student wins state writing award By Mireilly GonzalezAssistant EditorPublished Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 A third-person perspective work led to a first-place award for one TAMIU creative writing student. Over the summer, Texas A&M International University senior mathematics major and creative writing minor Daniel Tovar Jr. won a Texas state creative writing award for his story, “The End?” in the Texas Association of Creative Writing Teachers’ competition in the undergraduate nonfiction category. Rolando Santos | TAMIU Public RelationsDaniel Tovar Jr. poses for a photo near the TAMIU fountain. Tovar won a creative nonfiction writing state contest in summer 2022. Tovar is the type of guy who would excitedly rant to anyone in a writing group about comics, like Sp...
ARTS: Professor continues to expand art program
Education, Features, Humans of TAMIU, Life & Arts, On Campus

ARTS: Professor continues to expand art program

ARTS: Professor continues to expand art program By Elizabeth KennedyBridge Staff InternPublished Saturday, Sept. 24, 2022 In a department that focuses on creativity, one professor pushes his students to explore new avenues in working with inks.  This semester is Assistant Professor of art Jesse Shaw’s eighth one at Texas A&M International University. Though he hasn’t been at TAMIU long, he works toward accomplishing as much as possible. Marco Villarreal | BridgeAssistant Professor of art Jesse Shaw works with a student in the printmaking program to create an image in the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts on Sept. 5. Shaw says he enjoys working at TAMIU because, “The University is really supportive of the arts department,” which allowed him to do as much as he ...
CAMPUS: Welcome Week offers more than fireworks 
Entertainment, Features, On Campus

CAMPUS: Welcome Week offers more than fireworks 

CAMPUS: Welcome Week offers more than fireworks By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Thursday, Sept. 22, 2022 Welcome Week returns to TAMIU, immersing new and returning students into the many campus-held events. Literacy Volunteers of Laredo and Laredo Crime Stoppers attended Wednesday’s Volunteer and Service Fair at the Student Center patio on Aug. 24. Marco Villarreal | BridgeJunior business major Tyrese Davis, right, and an unidentified acquaintance enjoy the Welcome Week Fireworks Extravaganza on Aug. 26 near the sports fields on campus. Both organizations collaborated with the Texas A&M International University Student Government Association. Another 10 organizations from across the city set up a table to recruit students in exchange for volunteer hours. Da...
ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: WWE Superstar Otis heads to Laredo for Monday Night Raw
Entertainment, Features, Web Exclusive

ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: WWE Superstar Otis heads to Laredo for Monday Night Raw

ONLINE EXCLUSIVE: WWE Superstar Otis heads to Laredo for Monday Night Raw By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Friday, June 24, 2022 WWE Superstar Otis, a former Mr. Money in the Bank winner and Colorado State University—Pueblo alumnus, makes his way to Laredo. Video still capture during The Bridge interview with WWE Superstar Otis. Otis hits the mat this Monday night as part of John Cena’s 20th Anniversary edition of WWE Raw at the Sames Auto Arena. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Monday, June 27. “This is the first time for me [in Laredo],” Otis told The Bridge, “and a privilege.” He represents half of the Alpha Academy, a tag team currently hitting the ropes in many cities throughout the country on a weekly basis as part of WWE Raw and Smackdown. Both shows serve as ...
ARTS: Theater professor shares highlights
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus, Professor Profile

ARTS: Theater professor shares highlights

ARTS: Theater professor shares highlights By Viviana TellezBridge contributing writerPublished Tuesday, May 17, 2022 A local thespian discovered his passion early, but little did he know he would play the roles of a theater professor, director and playwright. Instructional Associate Professor of theater Gilberto Martinez Jr. is in his 12th year at Texas A&M International University. Recently, he furthered his education by completing his Master of Fine Arts degree from the University of Idaho; he also holds a doctorate in education from Texas A&M University–Kingsville. His goal is to instill confidence in his students as better communicators and to help them understand the human experience. “I would like to teach until my last breath,” Martinez said. Courtesy Gilberto...
CAMPUS: Discover TAMIU returns
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: Discover TAMIU returns

CAMPUS: Discover TAMIU returns By Gabriel RodriguezBridge Staff WriterPublished Monday, May 16, 2022 The campus flowed with pop music and the chatter of students, faculty and families to celebrate Discover TAMIU. After being canceled in 2021 due to health concerns, the annual event returned on April 9 to offer more than 110 activities to showcase Texas A&M International University’s academics and student life. These events included musical performances from student groups like Allegro and Mariachi Internacional, athletic activities like kickball games and obstacle courses, and more literacy-focused activities like read-alongs hosted by TAMIU alumni and local children’s literature authors. Miriam Salinas | BridgeUnidentified children look at 2-liter bottles filled with water...
CAMPUS: ‘For whom the bell tolls’: Campus to hold Celebration of Life this month
Alumni, Humans of TAMIU, News, On Campus

CAMPUS: ‘For whom the bell tolls’: Campus to hold Celebration of Life this month

CAMPUS: 'For whom the bell tolls': Campus to hold Celebration of Life this month By David PeraltaBridge Staff InternPublished on Monday, May 16, 2022 Continuing the tradition of remembering the lives lost, TAMIU holds another Celebration of Life event this month. Texas A&M International University scheduled the ceremony for May 23 in the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts. “Celebration of Life is an event where we honor all alumni and current or retired faculty,” Vice President for Institutional Advancement Rosanne Palacios said. “What it is, is we have some very touching readings … and we recite the names [of the person who passed,] followed by a bell.” submitted photoOne of the previous Celebration of Life events at TAMIU. With the passing of alumni, staff and ...
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