
Continuing Education offers alternatives for occupational advancement
Academia, Education, Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

Continuing Education offers alternatives for occupational advancement

Continuing Education offers alternatives for occupational advancement By Orlando GonzalezBridge contributing writerPublished Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021 Sometimes, people seek an education but not a specific degree. For that, there’s Continuing Education. This program allows people to continue pursuing a career or to learn a new skill. Texas A&M International University’s Continuing Education program offers courses for people to achieve their occupational goals. “Continuing Education is the non-credit side of the University,” Office of Continuing Education Director Susan M. Foster said. “Our courses are certificate programs, where people can take an online course to get certified in different areas whether it is health care, whether it is business, whether it is criminal justi...
Physiology professor retires after 21 years at TAMIU
Features, Humans of TAMIU, News, On Campus, Professor Profile

Physiology professor retires after 21 years at TAMIU

Physiology professor retires after 21 years at TAMIU By Melissa GarzaCopyeditorPublished Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 Students of anatomy and physiology courses bid adieu to one of their favorite professors at the end of the Fall 2021 semester. Associate Professor of biology Fernando Quintana decided to retire after 21 years at Texas A&M International University. “I really believe that TAMIU is very important for the region,” Quintana said. “The [students from South Texas] now have an opportunity to go to university and they also have the opportunity to transfer to other schools to study medicine, law, dentistry, veterinary medicine, etc.” Joy Davis | BridgeAssociate Professor of biology Fernando G. Quintana stands next to a model of internal human systems on Friday, Oct. 8, i...
TAMIU students volunteer at Pillar’s Black Out Haunted House
Entertainment, Features, Life & Arts

TAMIU students volunteer at Pillar’s Black Out Haunted House

TAMIU students volunteer at Pillar’s Black Out Haunted House By Carolina CruzBridge Staff WriterPublished Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 Halloween time is finally here. Gather round, for something comes near. As witches and goblins begin to reappear, spirits and zombies plan to domineer. Can visitors survive this spooky season’s house of fear? Pillar hosts the Black Out Haunted House at Mall del Norte on the weekends of Oct. 15-17, Oct. 21-24, Oct. 28-31, and Nov. 4-7. Carolina Cruz | BridgeThe Black Out Haunted House at Mall del Norte recently. As a non-profit mental health organization, Pillar’s goal is to help people with substance abuse, reduce bullying, suicide prevention and help increase access to mental health services in the community. Texas A&M International Univ...
Halloween Toyshow offers action figures, collectibles, smiles
Business, Entertainment, Features, Life & Arts

Halloween Toyshow offers action figures, collectibles, smiles

Halloween Toyshow offers action figures, collectibles, smiles By Jhoanna AngelesSocial Media ManagerPublished Tuesday, Oct. 12, 2021 Local collectors searched through bins, counters, racks and shelves looking for that elusive collectible. On Saturday, Oct. 2, local collectors hosted The Laredo Toyshow Halloween Edition at Embassy Suites on Calle del Norte. Jhoanna Angeles | BridgeAn unidentified person sells masks at a table full of Halloween decorations on Saturday, Oct. 2, at Embassy Suites Hotel in Laredo during The Laredo Toyshow Halloween Edition. Close to 30 vendors attended the event to share products with fanatics who attended the event, which consisted of toys, anime collectibles, comics, trading cards, Funko Pops and more. Texport vendor Salma Guzman recalled ho...
Laredo says goodbye, honors fallen marine
Civil Affairs, Features, Military, News, Web Exclusive

Laredo says goodbye, honors fallen marine

Laredo says goodbye,honors fallen marine By Jhoanna AngelesSocial Media ManagerPublished Saturday, Sept. 18, 2021 The Laredo community said goodbye to its fallen U.S. Marine hero Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza on Monday, Sept. 13. The 20-year-old Lyndon B. Johnson High School graduate, Laredo native and Rio Bravo resident lost his life in the line of duty on Aug. 26 in Afghanistan. Jhoanna Angeles | BridgeThe Military Honors Procession passes by TAMIU's campus on Loop 20 as Laredo honors its fallen U.S. Marine Lance Corporal David Lee Espinoza on Monday, Sept. 13. “The tremendous sacrifice will forever be remembered not only by his beloved family but by the nation as a whole,” reads his obituary on the Joe Jackson Funeral Chapels website. Texas A&M International Un...
Dmello earns national honor for teaching innovation
Academia, Features, On Campus, Professor Profile

Dmello earns national honor for teaching innovation

Dmello earns national honor for teaching innovation By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Monday, Sept. 13, 2021 Recently, Assistant Professor of criminal justice Jared R. Dmello earned a national award for innovation in teaching from the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. His project focused on the study of Social Disorganization Theory, an idea of linking crime rates to a person’s physical and social environment, witnessed by his students and photography of key areas of South and North Laredo. Leonard Gonzalez | BridgeAssistant Professor of criminal justice Jared Dmello wears a Mickey Mouse face mask as he stands in front of part of his Disney memorabilia collection in his office in the Academic Innovation Center. “Photovoice is a really visual tool because it’s th...
PHOTO STORY: Wildlife startled by return of student life
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

PHOTO STORY: Wildlife startled by return of student life

PHOTO STORY: Wildlife startled by return of student life By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPhotos by Karla De Leon and David Gomez Jr.Published Monday, Sept. 13, 2021 The local TAMIU wildlife seems uncertain of what to think as student life returns to campus. For the past year and a half, students “phoned in” their class attendance via the virtual environment and the wildlife expanded its presence some in that physical absence. David Gomez Jr. | BridgeStudents walk past a squadron of javelina on campus Friday evening, Sept. 10, 2021. Karla De Leon | BridgeA deer eats while looking at campus passersby on Sept. 10, 2021. The grass looks greener, the shrubs intact, and the palm trees sway in the breeze. Though, another noticeable detail that will be seen as students make their w...
‘Contextualizing Misinformation Flows’: Soto-Vásquez, Gonzalez  publish pandemic-related work
Academia, Features, Humans of TAMIU, Professor Profile

‘Contextualizing Misinformation Flows’: Soto-Vásquez, Gonzalez publish pandemic-related work

‘Contextualizing Misinformation Flows’ Soto-Vásquez, Gonzalez publish pandemic-related work By Jennifer CastilloBridge contributing writerPublished Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021 When major world events occur, smart researchers tend to shift gears to take advantage of these rare and timely opportunities. The pandemic is no exception. On Dec. 23, 2020, Assistant Professors of communication Arthur Soto-Vásquez and Ariadne A. Gonzalez were two members of a team of researchers who published a research article in the Howard Journal of Communications titled “COVID-19: Contextualizing Misinformation Flows In a US Latinx Border Community (Media and Communication During COVID-19).” They worked along with Assistant Professors Wanzhu Shi and Nilda Garcia, plus Jessica Hernandez. Assistant Prof...
Local barber offers $2 haircuts to college students
Business, Features

Local barber offers $2 haircuts to college students

Local barber offers $2 haircuts to college students By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 The Barber Education Academy offers $2 haircuts to college students with a valid student ID. Javier and Wendy Hernandez, owner and administrator of the academy, began this discounted offer in 2019. David Gomez Jr. | BridgeJavier Hernandez, owner of the Barber Education Academy, speaks with one of his students at the barber school on Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2021. “At first, we would post this on our Facebook page because we do know how expensive it could be when you’re in college,” Wendy Hernandez said. The promotion was recently advertised again through the TAMIU Student Network page on the social media platform Facebook on Aug. 23—while simultaneously giving a ...
Driven by the profession
Features, Humans of TAMIU, Intramurals, Sports

Driven by the profession

Driven by the profession Former TAMIU Rec Sports director keeps busy By David SolisBridge contributing writerPublished Friday, Sept. 10, 2021 Former director of TAMIU Rec Sports, Sylvia Barrera, always had a drive for teaching and leading. Her focus always remained in growing as a teacher, coach and director. Barrera started her teaching career at Christen Middle School in 1981 as a physical education teacher and coach. “I got the opportunity to work with a great staff my first year that welcomed me to the program and helped me grow as an educator and a person,” Barrera said. As she slowly built a reputation for herself, she was given the opportunity to coach the girls’ basketball program at Cigarroa High School in 1983. She led the program to new heights, advancing to th...
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