Civil Affairs

Civil Affairs

An Urban Tour Guide

By Brianna Eliza Castillo What is walkability and how is it integrated into society?  As a part of Plan Viva Laredo’s objective, walkability’s purpose is to “improve quality of life and retain local talent.” (more…)
A Unisex Restroom in the Heart of Texas
Civil Affairs, Editorial

A Unisex Restroom in the Heart of Texas

By Ediberto Garza As local citizens of Laredo, we’re raised with a mix of Mexican heritage and American beliefs, the foundations our dual culture.  Our geographical location has a strong effect on morality and values, where the machismo, or patriarchal mentality prospers throughout our community.  From an early developmental stage, we are predetermined to identify with a specific gender.  We are raised to follow specific roles, which have altered throughout the years.  However, we have slowly become more opened minded: we are free to express ourselves, choose our identity, and follow what we believe in and love.  Yet, we are still bound to some basic gender identifications. (more…)
Questionable Content in State Textbook

Questionable Content in State Textbook

Textbooks are the biggest source of curriculum oriented information a student can get at any grade level in any educational institution. An educator can  base whole lectures, exams, and curriculum around a textbook to provide an easier and direct learning experience for their students.   This year, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) released Proclamation 2017 which lists a set of publishing companies and materials recommended for the school districts of Texas to use. This year was particularly important for one reason, as the TEA would finally release a recommended textbook focusing on Latino/Mexican-American studies in response to Chicano activists coming together demanding that Hispanic studies was added into the curriculum of Texas schools. (more…)

Eastern European Nations Push for EU Army

The Czech Republic and Hungary are two of the recent nations speaking out on the need for greater defense ties. This comes at a time when the Russian Federation eyes at the possibility of resurging its military presence in Eastern Europe, and terrorist attacks from the Middle East have become recurrent on the European continent. (more…)
Civil Affairs, Editorial

120th Washington’s Birthday Celebration

By Ilse Amaro The President George Washington and his gracious wife, Martha Dandridge Washington serve as the main figures in this magnificent event. The Society of Martha Washington Colonial Pageant and ball grow smore popular every year.    This special tradition started in 1896. Washington’s birthday Celebration is a very well known tradition in South Texas.  The Society of Martha Washington colonial Pageant and ball are extremely recognized. The Society of Martha Washington and the Washington Birthday Celebration Association are two different organizations that come together to celebrate this magnificent day that means a lot to this nation. The community of Laredo come together and organizes a lovely parade and other many activities such as museums, and carnival for the city o...
Civil Affairs, Editorial

The End of Retail

By Ediberto Garza According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics ( 4,859,600 people were employed in retail in 2014.   These individuals provide a service, educating client on product knowledge, inform of any current promotion, and provide the best customer service possible.   Unfortunately, several companies have announced a significant drop in sales, which has led to several locations closing.  Macy’s, Kohl’s, and Sears have announced several location to be closed by 2017, leaving several of their employees unemployed.  What has caused this severe drop in sales? What is the reason for 1,000 employees to lose their jobs? As a manager of a high end retail store, concern for my employees and my career has risen. (more…)
Editorial, Education

After School Special

By Juan Castillo After the last bell rings at school, most kids board the bus or get picked up by their parents and resume their life at home till the next school day. What about the kids that have to wait at school due to parents’ work schedules? What do they partake in? Who do they partake in any activities with? Why not start an after school music program that teaches students to learn, read and play music? (more…)
Civil Affairs

Is Texas Fever Spreading?

By Fernando Meza Texas has always been a state of huge proportions in many ways. Whether speaking statistically in in reference to population increase and economic growth or down to the most current unarguable facts that Texas has the second largest surface area in the United States, it is impossible to ignore that Texas is growing more than ever. (more…)
Civil Affairs

Tattoos and Law Enforcement

By Eloy Santa Cruz A story from Global News, the news and current affairs division of Global Television Network in Canada, reported on a Philadelphia officer who was criticized for neo-Nazi related tattoos.  They were photographed by a local protester, who posted them on social media.  The individual who took the photos, Evan Matthews, stated that “officer Ian Hans Lichtermann of Northeast Philadelphia’s second precinct (unconfirmed by Philadelphia police department) [has] the official insignia of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party [on his] left forearm.” (more…)
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