
POLITICS: TAMIU alumna runs for state representative
Alumni, News, Politics

POLITICS: TAMIU alumna runs for state representative

POLITICS: TAMIU alumna runs for state representative By Jorge EspinozaBridge Social Media Co-ManagerPublished Thursday, Feb. 8, 2024 A TAMIU alumna and former Webb County Tax Assessor-Collector hopes to move up to the state level of Texas politics as she bids for a state representative seat. Rio Bravo Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar, D-Laredo, announced her candidacy for House District 80 state representative. This seat is currently occupied by Rep. Tracy King, D-Uvalde, who is not seeking reelection. Submitted photo courtesy Rosie CuellarRio Bravo Municipal Court Judge Rosie Cuellar is running in the Democratic primary for House District 80. The primary is scheduled for March 5, when Cuellar faces off against at least two opponents: Carlos Lopez, chair of the Uvalde Cou...
FEATURE: Alumnus shares journey of pride association, activism
Alumni, Humans of TAMIU, On Campus

FEATURE: Alumnus shares journey of pride association, activism

FEATURE: Alumnus shares journey of pride association, activism By Mireilly GonzalezManaging EditorPublished Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2023 TAMIU alumnus Jorge Quijano stepped onto school grounds again to talk to students about breaking ground in LGBTQ+ activism.  Students gathered at the STC 231, back in October 2022, to hear Quijano’s discussion on activism titled Advancing Laredo’s LGBT community. Quijano graduated in 2009 with a bachelor’s in communication and a minor in marketing. Today, he’s the founder and president of Gateway City Pride Association and a marketing manager at Sames Auto Arena. Mireilly Gonzalez | BridgeTAMIU alumnus Jorge Quijano, left, speaks during a LGBTQ+ rights event held on Oct. 12, 2022. GCPA continued its pride parade and festival with drag perfor...
CAMPUS: Changing majors costs money, time
Alumni, Education

CAMPUS: Changing majors costs money, time

CAMPUS: Changing majors costs money, time By Neto GonzalezBridge contributing writerPublished Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2023Edited to include Feb. 17, 2023, photograph Some TAMIU students second-guess their time spent working on their degrees. These mid-degree changes can cause delays and cost students extra money. When Texas A&M International University alumnus Ernesto Izaguirre first attended classes in the Fall of 2019, he declared as a psychology major with a projected graduation in the Spring of 2022. After completing more than half of his academic career, he began having second thoughts about his chosen degree.  "During one of my lectures, my professor told me that I wouldn't be able to get a job with just a bachelor's degree," Izaguirre said. Ultimately, he continued wi...
NEWS: Spring commencement ceremonies catapult students into future
Academia, Alumni, News

NEWS: Spring commencement ceremonies catapult students into future

NEWS: Spring commencement ceremonies catapult students into future By David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Wednesday, May 18, 2022 Once again, TAMIU graduation candidates stepped across the stage of the Sames Auto Arena during one of two commencement ceremonies on May 12. Texas A&M International University’s graduating class of 2022 experienced a shorter, cautious ceremony for attendees, while still holding onto the same message. David Gomez Jr. | BridgeFaculty and graduates stand in celebration at the end of Thursday afternoon's College of Arts and Sciences commencement at the Sames Auto Arena in Laredo on May 12. “A job well done today,” Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said about the ceremony and graduates. “We have a very unique graduation today with well [more than] ...
CAMPUS: ‘For whom the bell tolls’: Campus to hold Celebration of Life this month
Alumni, Humans of TAMIU, News, On Campus

CAMPUS: ‘For whom the bell tolls’: Campus to hold Celebration of Life this month

CAMPUS: 'For whom the bell tolls': Campus to hold Celebration of Life this month By David PeraltaBridge Staff InternPublished on Monday, May 16, 2022 Continuing the tradition of remembering the lives lost, TAMIU holds another Celebration of Life event this month. Texas A&M International University scheduled the ceremony for May 23 in the Center for the Fine and Performing Arts. “Celebration of Life is an event where we honor all alumni and current or retired faculty,” Vice President for Institutional Advancement Rosanne Palacios said. “What it is, is we have some very touching readings … and we recite the names [of the person who passed,] followed by a bell.” submitted photoOne of the previous Celebration of Life events at TAMIU. With the passing of alumni, staff and ...
Entrepreneurs share rags-to-riches stories at TAMIU
Alumni, Business, On Campus

Entrepreneurs share rags-to-riches stories at TAMIU

Entrepreneurs share rags-to-riches stories at TAMIU By Juan ReyesSocial Media ReporterandBy David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021 A collaboration of TAMIU’s LULAC and SOLE held a panel with two of Mexico’s successful entrepreneurs. Empresarios Hispanos TAMIU 2021 took place in the Student Center in the auditorium, Room 236, where a pair of successful entrepreneurs, Palos Garza Group CEO Mario Palos Garza, and Pollo Loco and Taco Palenque founder Juan “Don Pancho” Francisco Ochoa.  “Without respect, everything falls apart,” Ochoa says. These are words he lives his life by, leading to prosperous results. David Gomez Jr. | BridgeTaco Pelinque founder Juan Francisco Ochoa, left, and Palos Garza Group CEO Mario Palos Garza speak to one another duri...
‘Pioneer’ leads multiple areas at TAMIU
Academia, Alumni, Education, Features, Humans of TAMIU, On Campus

‘Pioneer’ leads multiple areas at TAMIU

‘Pioneer’ leads multiple areas at TAMIU By Gabrielle PratherBridge Staff WriterPublished Saturday, April 3, 2021 [Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of personality profiles on the women of power at Texas A&M International University, in honor of Women’s History Month.] One of the most powerful women at TAMIU also serves as one of its vice presidents. In the words of her colleagues, she is “a pioneer” who chooses to lead by example, selflessly and by empowering others. Vice President of Institutional Advancement Rosanne Palacios serves in many campus roles but most notably in overseeing the Office of Alumni Relations and the Office of Student Philanthropy. She oversees these areas for campus events and supports those occurrences. Jessica Rodriguez | BridgeVice ...
Academia, Alumni, Education, Humans of TAMIU

ALUMNI SUCCESSES: Online learning tries parents, teachers

ALUMNI SUCCESSES: Online learning tries parents, teachers By Matthew BalderasBridge OmbudsmanPublished Monday, Sept. 21, 2020 Think back to when most people received their first mobile phone. If it was 1973, it was probably as long as a briefcase and so thick it wouldn’t even fit in a pocket. In today’s modern world, people often say that children are born with technology in their hands, but did that prepare them for online learning? 2013 alumni graduate, Juan J. Martinez Jr. who currently works at Communities in Schools in San Antonio as the Physic Coordinator, shares his students’ and teachers’ struggles. “Many teachers [and] many educators thought students were going to simply be able to transfer from at-school to at-home very easily, but they are struggling big time,” Ma...
Spring, fall commencements canceled
Academia, Alumni, Education, News, On Campus

Spring, fall commencements canceled

Spring, fall commencements canceled By Niurka RochaBridge Staff WriterPublished Monday, Sept. 21, 2020 For possibly the first time in its history, TAMIU canceled commencement exercises two regular semesters in a row. After an initial Spring 2020 commencement delay due to the pandemic, Texas A&M International University canceled its planned August makeup for spring along with its fall ceremony. “In light of the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in the City, continuing closure of the Sames Auto Arena and our City’s prohibitions on gatherings of more than six people, the University regretfully has no choice but to cancel our planned Aug. 13, 2020, Commencement Ceremony,” TAMIU President Pablo Arenaz wrote in a web site letter addressed to all TAMIU 2020 graduates and candidates for ...
ALUMNI SUCCESSES: Alumnus lives TAMIU international mission, makes impact
Academia, Alumni, Education, Humans of TAMIU, International Affairs

ALUMNI SUCCESSES: Alumnus lives TAMIU international mission, makes impact

ALUMNI SUCCESSES: Alumnus lives TAMIU international mission, makes impact By Matthew BalderasBridge OmbudsmanPublished Monday, Sept. 14, 2020 [Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of profile articles on the successes of various TAMIU alumni, written by a TAMIU alumnus who recently returned to his alma mater to work on a graduate degree. Matthew Balderas is also a former editor-in-chief of The Bridge.] First-generation college graduate Osvaldo "Ozzy" Guzman describes getting accepted into TAMIU as one of his family's most significant accomplishments. After graduation, he continues to raise that bar ever higher. "I had taken a lot of the experiences that I had undergone in my undergraduate studies,” Guzman said. “I got to be exposed to a lot of leadership [and] I got a lo...
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