Author: Staff/Guest

NEWS: TAMIU offers 12 top graduate programs in nation
Academia, News

NEWS: TAMIU offers 12 top graduate programs in nation

NEWS: TAMIU offers 12 top graduate programs in nation By Camila MendezBridge Staff WriterPublished Friday, Feb. 23, 2024 TAMIU received recognition this year for having at least 12 top programs in the nation, according to Additionally, the University’s graduate programs grew by 15% enrollment this past year. examined these programs based on affordability, the quality of the course, and achievement rates—the website mainly analyzed online master’s degree courses. Esteban Mendiola | BridgeTAMIU once again makes a ranked university list. The Sue & Radcliffe Killam Library, seen here, is one of the University's opportunities for students to be successful, as seen on Feb. 13. Texas A&M International University offers courses where many stu...
NEWS: Elearning leads soft launch of Ultra Course Experience
News, On Campus

NEWS: Elearning leads soft launch of Ultra Course Experience

NEWS: Elearning leads soft launch of Ultra Course Experience By Marissa ContrerasBridge Staff PodcasterPublished Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 New features are here for Blackboard. Some professors have already opted in for the soft launch of the new Ultra Course Experience, which began this semester. The new features are intended to help faculty and students utilize and learn more about the resources TAMIU offers. The Ultra Course Experience is planned to go into full swing this summer. Submitted photoThe OIT Elearning team poses for a group photo. In preparation for more than a year, the new Elearning software went through many stages for the transition, which officials hope will be seamless. Spring 2023, Blackboard went through a change called Base Navigation, which changed t...
OPINION: BOOK REVIEW: Modern tragedy in If We Were Villains
In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: BOOK REVIEW: Modern tragedy in If We Were Villains

OPINION: BOOK REVIEW: Modern tragedy in If We Were Villains By Alexia AlemanBridge Staff PodcasterPublished Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 “You can justify anything if you do it poetically enough,” M.L. Rio writes in her debut novel If We Were Villains. Although the novel is full of beautiful quotes, this one completely captures the essence and meaning of the story. The novel follows seven young actors studying Shakespeare at a prestigious university. At the center, Oliver Marks is completing a 10-year prison sentence for the murder of Richard Sterling, his former classmate and friend. Alexia Aleman Complex relationships join together the seven friends. Even between friends, feelings of envy and hatred become dangerous rather quickly. Shakespeare becomes the center of their lives a...
CAMPUS: Financial Aid Simplification Act changes FAFSA process
Finance, News, On Campus

CAMPUS: Financial Aid Simplification Act changes FAFSA process

CAMPUS: Financial Aid Simplification Act changes FAFSA process By Alexia AlemanBridge Staff PodcasterAnd Jorge EspinozaSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 TAMIU holds its annual FAFSA Drive to help students navigate the changes implemented in the new FAFSA application. Financial aid staff assist students with the process during these drives, as well as answer questions. The priority deadline for FAFSA is scheduled for March 15. Over the past three years, the Department of Education implemented certain changes as part of the FAFSA Simplification Act. The final phase is slated for the 2024-25 Award Year. Esteban Mendiola | BridgeAn unidentified student files a FAFSA application on Tuesday, Feb. 6, in the testing center in the Sen Zaffirini Success Center. ...
EDUCATION: International students adjust to TAMIU
Education, Features, International Studies, On Campus

EDUCATION: International students adjust to TAMIU

EDUCATION: International students adjust to TAMIU By Marissa ContrerasSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 As new international students join TAMIU’s campus each semester, they undergo an adjustment period. Officials from the Office of International Engagement work with them to help smooth that transition. Before admission to Texas A&M International University, the Office of International Engagement contacts international students and their affiliated schools to discuss what each student needs and what the process looks like to enter the U.S. Once this process completes and students acquire their necessary documents, they are admitted to TAMIU. Next, they begin the process of communicating with a mentor from the International Student Mentor Program. Juan...
FEATURE: ROTC member embarks on training mission in Japan
Features, International Affairs, International Studies

FEATURE: ROTC member embarks on training mission in Japan

FEATURE: ROTC member embarks on training mission in Japan By Juan Carlos PuenteEditor-In-ChiefPublished on Thursday, Feb. 22, 2024 One of TAMIU’s U.S. Army ROTC members traveled to Japan for special logistics training this past summer. He was hand selected by the U.S. Army due to his dedication and stellar performance in previous training camps. Army Cadet Carlos Ramirez went to Camp Zama, Japan, after completing two separate training sessions. “I was chosen for that program through the availability of slots and my involvement and dedication to the program,” Ramirez said. Submitted photoMilitary member walks across Mount Fuji in this undated submitted photo. The first training camp occurred at Fort Moore, Georgia, also known as the Western Hemisphere Institute for Securit...
PODCAST: Dusty’s Guide, Episode 2
Dusty's Guide, Podcasts, YouTube

PODCAST: Dusty’s Guide, Episode 2

PODCAST: Dusty's Guide, Episode 2 Relationships & Consent By Jorge Espinozaand Marissa Contrerasand Alexia Alemanand Ana VaraBridge Staff PodcastersPublished Tuesday, Feb. 22, 2024 Readers, please join us for the second episode of Dusty's Guide, a new podcast presented by The Bridge independent student newspaper. This time, Jorge, Marissa, Alexia, and Ana talk about romantic relationships in college and the importance of consent. EPISODE 1: Relationships & Consent, Feb. 20, 2024 Also, now on Spotify:
OPINION: Seduction of ‘Saltburn’
Entertainment, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Seduction of ‘Saltburn’

OPINION: Seduction of Saltburn By Destiny R. SanchezAssistant EditorPublished Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 The paced and satiric displays of wealth and pleasure unveil the true motives of the upper class in Saltburn. This masterpiece of cinema flashes back to the 2000s, as molded by director Emerald Fennell. “Is there really ever such a thing as an accident, Elspeth?” Oliver Quick, the main character of Saltburn, asked. “I don’t know. Accidents are for people like you. For the rest of us, there’s work. And unlike you, I actually know how to work.” Destiny Sanchez Saltburn keeps the audience captivated every minute while peeling away at each character, frame-by-frame. Full of Oscar-worthy performances led by Barry Keoghan’s character, Quick, who displays his ability to seduce and...
ENVIRONMENT: Master Plan: A hope for preservation
On Campus, Science and Tech

ENVIRONMENT: Master Plan: A hope for preservation

ENVIRONMENT: Master Plan: A hope for preservation By Yessica HernandezBridge contributing writerPublished Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 The high pitch of cicadas sound through the air, birds sing, grasshoppers leap about and lizards crawl upon the dry grass. Those are the sounds students and faculty of the biology department at Texas A&M International University fear may be lost with the Master Plan.  “We can have growth and opportunities for students … and also that hands-on experience that I think is really beautiful,” Instructional Assistant Professor of biology Amede Rubio said. Carlos Andres Mounetou | BridgeTrees along Loop 20 are now removed near the TAMIU campus entrances, as seen on Feb. 9. The undeveloped land that surrounds TAMIU houses a variety of plants, in...
CAMPUS: Spirit Week features Ken-sent CAB event
Features, Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: Spirit Week features Ken-sent CAB event

CAMPUS: Spirit Week features Ken-sent CAB event By Marissa ContrerasSocial Media Co-ManagerPublished Wednesday, Feb. 21, 2024 As TAMIU kicked off both Spirit Week and Consent Week, many organizations held events centered around the themes of consent and Barbie. These themes extended across campus.  Among the week of events, only one took participants on wheels: Ken-sent CAB. This event featured a golf cart, which took people to their classes or to an event they wanted to attend. Director of Title IX and Civil Rights Compliance Larissa Cortez, who serves as Texas A&M International University’s Title IX coordinator, said the event was inspired by the TV show Cash Cab, where players answer questions for money. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeThe Ken-sent CAB team, from left, Tit...
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