Author: Staff/Guest

On Campus

Holding Place for Fellow Geeks

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. By Dalila Flores, ECHS Student Contributor. Photos by Iris Vasquez Guerrero. Comic Con serves as a gathering ground for fellow geeks. In this heavenly place, you can find vendors that supply your every nerdy need. In every corner you can find cosplayers of every genre. From fairytales to comics and everything in between, you will find sanctuary in this two day event. (more…)
International Studies

Wintermester Abroad: Ireland

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. by Stephanie Fimbres This past Wintermester, I studied abroad in Ireland. It has been an experience that changed me in many aspects of my life, including the way I think, and the way I behave towards others. (more…)
Editorial, Opinion

Donald Trump’s Laredo

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition. By Valeria Garza Republican front-runner, Donald Trump, has become infamous and popular amoung voters thanks to his comments about immigration. Though the only presidential candidate to visit Laredo, does Trump really believe that our city and other border towns are infested with “rapist” and “criminals?” (more…)

Only in Laredo

By Judith Menchaca We’ve all heard variations of the expression, “your expectations will set the limits for your life.”  If you expect little, it can be projected you will receive little, and vice versa.  Great expectations produce the great outcomes we all deserve.  Though we can readily apply this axiom to our daily lives, it is unfortunate that we fail to recognize the potential impact this mindset (or lack thereof) has on our community. (more…)

Higher Education in Laredo

This article originally appeared in the February 2016 print edition.  By Kassandra Garza As a local born and raised in Laredo, TX. I have seen that Laredo has been growing in a very fast pace. Many small businesses booming from left to right and many apartments being built all over the city. Since the city is growing with the population it is also important that our society has a higher education school. Texas A&M international University offers an economic solution to help combat expensive education. (more…)
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