Author: Staff/Guest


Students and faculty discuss Pulse shooting

TAMIU faculty and students spoke to The Bridge News about the recent tragedy in Orlando, Florida and what we can learn from this event.   Read more about TAMIU's response to this tragedy. Read Rudy's editorial about the Pride Parade.
Guest Article

Gender Studies — More than Misandry

By Amanda Castillo The last decade has been defined by a rising understanding of the harmful implicit attitudes present in society. More recently, and most visibly, the issues that have taken center stage in the media are related to racial and gender discrimination. Movements that address these issues are widely heard about and both are heavily misconstrued. When it comes to critiques surrounding the implicit and casual racism in the United States, opponents of these ideas misdirect these conversations so that what was originally a conversation surrounding the police brutality directed towards people of color becomes a conversation about how #AllLivesMatter. Something very similar happens when it comes to the conversations related to the study and critique of attitudes surrounding gend...
Guest Article

Supporting a Friend Through Mental Illness

By Amanda Castillo Mental illness—In America, it is a phrase that is met with judgement, assumptions, and a lot of stigma. For those who experience mental illness, they are plagued with feelings of isolation and, oftentimes, a lack of compassion and understanding from those around them. On the other hand, people who do not experience mental illness often feel uncomfortable thinking about it and are unsure of how to approach people who are open about their mental illness. The end result is a distinct separation and wariness from both parties and a lack of supportive communities for people who suffer from mental illness. (more…)

Divorce official breakup

You would think it is easy to understand an idea that TV tries to convey to an audience. Sometimes the idea could be conveyed clearly, but it doesn’t go into great detail to help anybody. An example is Spanish telenovelas where couples divorce and marry other people. For some, that’s a reality. (more…)

Lucky 13: story of surviving, thriving

Kenny Duncan Jr is a 21-year-old student, poet and filmmaker. He's also a cancer survivor. Last year, he beat the odds when he became the first person to survive a rare form of cancer. Read more about Kenny here.

Tres países participan en seminario virtual

Por Mina Sifuentes Un seminario interuniversitario e internacional de literatura que incluirá varias sesiones con participantes de París, la Ciudad de México y Laredo se entregaron ya por primera vez de manera virtual a través de un sistema de videoconferencia desde Texas A & M International  University  (TAMIU) el viernes 6 de mayo en Western Hemisphere Trade Center. Este seminario, titulado, “Escritos Plural: Teoría y Praxis de una novela corta,” profundizo en el estudio de las novelas cortas de Hispanoamérica o nouvelles. Fue llevada a cabo en español e involucro ambos eruditos y estudiantes de París-Sorbona, la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), y Texas A & M International University.  Dr. Ray Keck dio la bienvenida a los participantes en esta  primera sesión q...
Laredoans Continue to Love Amidst Tragedy

Laredoans Continue to Love Amidst Tragedy

June 14, 2016 was a day of magical history and mourning for Laredo. Due to the tragic event that occurred in Orlando, Florida, one specific person decided to use their fame as a way to create one of the most memorable day in Laredo. She is known to the people of Laredo as LaGordiloca. Hundreds of Laredoans gathered outside of Burlington waiting to show their support for the 50 individuals that were killed in Pulse nightclub in Orlando the day prior to this event. (more…)
International Studies

Summer In Asia: Alejandra Arellano

By Stephanie Fimbres For a month, Alejandra Arellano studied abroad in Asia for the 2015 Communication Disorders Program to study Introduction to Audiology taught by Dr. Sumalai Maroonroge. She went to five different countries: China, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Japan. In order to complete the requirements for her undergraduate program, she decided to enroll in this new adventure to learn about sound and hearing. Her preconceptions about Asia included the typical stereotypes most people have heard about, like eating with chopsticks. But in every country that she went to there were major differences between them, and also similarities to our Western culture. First of all, when someone thinks about China they think about Communism, because they know the issues that they have, but went ...
On Campus

TAMIU Shows Solidarity for Survivors of Sexual Assault

Raising awareness of sexual assault on college campuses has become a priority for many of TAMIU’s top-ranking officials and students alike. Working together with local and regional organizations, they have organized several events allowing students to inform themselves on how to prevent sexual assault and provide coping skills for themselves or other individuals who have gone through this type of trauma In a press release, Sandra Villanueva, the University’s Title IX coordinator who has lead the “It’s on US” campaigns launch on campus, stated “As a University we are accountable. We have a responsibility to provide a safe and nurturing environment for our students and community. By participating in this national campaign and wholeheartedly endorsing its message and intent, we affirm our co...
Student Seeks To Improve Daily Commute For Students
Civil Affairs, Guest Article

Student Seeks To Improve Daily Commute For Students

By Daniela Rodriguez, Student Contributor As a student of Texas A&M International University, I am very proud to be part of a great community within a great city. I live near Merida Avenue, which is only a 15 minute car ride to TAMIU. However, when I ride the bus, travelling takes more than two hours. Besides myself, many other students struggle with the same situation. Throughout the eight months I have been riding the bus, I have realized the city needs to expand their routes and schedules, add the number of the route to every post, and add a map to every bus stop. It is necessary that the proper authorities realize Laredo is growing rapidly, and that they should expand their routes to accommodate this growth. For example, according to El Metro Transit website, there are 22 bus r...
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