Author: Staff/Guest

Civil Affairs

Is Texas Fever Spreading?

By Fernando Meza Texas has always been a state of huge proportions in many ways. Whether speaking statistically in in reference to population increase and economic growth or down to the most current unarguable facts that Texas has the second largest surface area in the United States, it is impossible to ignore that Texas is growing more than ever. (more…)
Law and Justice, Uncategorized

I Am Not For Sale

By Amy Cortina Human trafficking generates $150 billion in annual profit; this makes it the world third largest illegal market, trailing closely behind the narcotics market. Humans are used as the product for this rapidly growing industry; many believe that slavery was abolished 151 years ago but we are currently living in the era of modern day slavery. Most people associate human trafficking with smuggling people into a country but humans are also trafficked for other reasons such as forced labor, organ extraction, and for sex exploitation. (more…)
Law and Justice

Teenage Dating Violence in Local High Schools

By Jessica Ayala Teen dating violence (TDV) is a pattern of behavior that includes physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse by one person in an intimate relationship to exert power and control over another. In Laredo, Texas teenage dating violence has become more common, and often times has been reported as life threatening to teenagers ages 13-19 years old. In local high schools, approximately 1 in 5 female students reports being physically or sexually abused by a dating partner. (more…)
Civil Affairs

Tattoos and Law Enforcement

By Eloy Santa Cruz A story from Global News, the news and current affairs division of Global Television Network in Canada, reported on a Philadelphia officer who was criticized for neo-Nazi related tattoos.  They were photographed by a local protester, who posted them on social media.  The individual who took the photos, Evan Matthews, stated that “officer Ian Hans Lichtermann of Northeast Philadelphia’s second precinct (unconfirmed by Philadelphia police department) [has] the official insignia of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Party [on his] left forearm.” (more…)

A Slow-Killer

By Brianna Eliza Castillo Suicide often occurs when stressors exceed current coping abilities for an individual dealing with depression and prevalent risk factors. Suicide is the top 10th leading cause of death in the United States averaging between the ages of 15 through 24. Although in the college atmosphere, suicide is more prevalent being the 2nd top leading cause of death. (more…)
TAMIU’s First Student Regent
Academia, Features

TAMIU’s First Student Regent

As if only yesterday, I remember seeing Stephanie Martinez for the first time.  Martinez and I both had college algebra together and the atmosphere of the class was brightened with her unique persona.  She seemed the kind of person you would want to sit next to since she would probably help you without a “price tag.” (more…)
George Altgelt’s Ballot Dilemma

George Altgelt’s Ballot Dilemma

By Robert Soto Elections are right around the corner, not only nationally, but also locally.  On August 24, the City of Laredo held a meeting with a name-placement drawing that determined the order of the names of the candidates in the ballots.  That day, the City of Laredo also announced that several candidates had been disqualified from the city council election.  The meeting was interrupted by a demonstration of dissatisfaction from several candidates who had been disqualified.  Current Councilman from District Seven, George Altgelt, was the most vocal in voicing his disappointment concerning the decision.  The Councilman took office in mid-2015 through a special election, making this his first, full-term race.  However, his campaign was cut short when he was notified that his applic...
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