Author: Staff/Guest


The Bridge News – November 15, 2016

On today's show, we talk about health care, unisex restrooms, and tuition expenses from eyes of a veteran. Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more student news and features.

Men’s Fashion Is Fighting Gender Norms

By Jonathan Ramos In October 2016 Covergirl announced their first male Covergirl, 17-year-old James Charles. This announcement has ignited controversy to the trivial decision between whether or not a man should wear makeup. Until just recently, many felt that a man wearing makeup was reserved only for cross dressers.  This way of thinking is not conducive to the innovation of new ideas. James Charles has become the unofficial ambassador for bringing a change to the view of men’s makeup. (more…)

Should I?

By Veronica Hernandez Back in 2009 I was faced with the most important decision of my life. I had to choose whether to go to a regular high school in this case Nixon, or attend Laredo Early College High School. In 2009 I had no clue of what I wanted to be when I grew up. Part of me wanted to have that “high school” experience, and to be with my friends. The other part of me was somehow forcing me to mature and already have my mind made of what career I wanted to pursue. (more…)

Teen Dating Violence (Part 2)

By Gina Guevara The concept of love may appeal to almost everyone since it is known to be a beautiful feeling. Everyone seeks whoever they feel attracted to whether it is for a long-term or short-term relationship. However, many times relationships do not work out. People may start getting jealous or one person can become abusive of another. There have been various reported incidents of teenagers getting hit by a partner. (more…)

Identity Loss and the Destruction of Mexican-American Heritage

By Carmen Garcia 15 y 16 de Septiembre marks one of the biggest celebrations Laredoans commemorate, as it is Independence Day for our neighboring country of Mexico. As a border town, “Hispanics or Latinos” constitute ninety-five percent of the population, and a good portion are first-generation migrants. (more…)
Life & Arts, On Campus

Native Laredo Artist Visits TAMIU

Award winning artist, poet, and playwright, Raquel Valle Senties, exhibited her Chicana Portrait Series on Tuesday, September 20, 2016 at the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library at Texas A&M International University (TAMIU).  People gathered around to admire her artwork and listened attentively as she read some of her many poems. (more…)
From Australia to TAMIU
International Studies

From Australia to TAMIU

By Lina Garcia Egyptian parents, Australian nationality, multicultural understanding and values, and now a TAMIU engineering student. Daniel Rafael was born in Perth, Western Australia, where he attended Curtin University before moving to Laredo, Texas and enrolling at Texas A&M International University.   (more…)
Civil Affairs

Achieving the American Dream

by Betsabe Segovia Manuel Batista came to the United States from the Dominican Republic with a single objective: to become a successful businessman. His family was kind, noble, and hardworking, but destitute, what distinguished him was his passion and ability to work. (more…)
Science and Tech

Forget the ‘Gators; Python Population

by Rodrigo Marina The American Crocodiles and the American Alligators had been the dominant predators in the Everglades National park at the southern tip of Florida since it was established.  However, in 1975, the American Crocodile species was declared endangered due to the popularity of its hide and other products.  Numbers were dramatically low during that time, with less than 300 alligators accounted for.  In 1979, a new species started to make its way into The Everglades. (more…)
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