Author: Staff/Guest

Changing Perspectives
Professor Profile

Changing Perspectives

By Danny Zaragoza From South Korea to South Texas, former University of Texas instructor and now part of the TAMIU family, Dr. Ji Won Kim has brought with her a generous amount of personal and professional experience and a unique perspective of Laredo and TAMIU students.   (more…)

Achieving Graduation as a Parent

By Betsabe Segovia Being an undergraduate in college is stressful at times. Being a college student, a parent, and holding down a job is even more difficult, especially when affordable child care is hard to find and many parents are working just to pay for the daycare and your classes.   (more…)
Civil Affairs

Bag Ban Troubles

By Janellie Berlanga Laredo’s only environmental advocacy group is facing legal apprehension in regards to their efforts of keeping Laredo bag free. Over twenty years ago the Rio Grande International Study Center, also known as RGISC, started an organization that advocates for clean water. Specifically, they pay close attention to the Rio Grande where Laredo gets a majority of its drinking water. (more…)
A Texas-Sized Educational Leap
Academia, Features

A Texas-Sized Educational Leap

By Giovanni Salinas and Sergio Loera The Texas Academy of International & STEM studies is perhaps the newest high school in Laredo, it is located inside Cowart Hall at Texas A&M International University, TAMIU, and is part of TAMIU Independent School District, TISD. It was first formed through a legislation authored by Senator Judith Zaffirini around 10 years ago, but planning came to a halt due to a lack of funding.   However, in 2014, the first cohort was inducted into the Academy featuring a total of 42 students. The Academy showed great results as the first graduate class in 2016 attempted 582 student credit hours and completed 567 for a mind-blowing passing percentage of 97.4.   Ms. Cassandra Ramirez was part of the first graduating class.   ...
Think Globally: Association of International Students
On Campus

Think Globally: Association of International Students

By Karla Reyna and Sergio Loera Texas A&M International University is located in the mostly Latino border city of Laredo, TX. As such, TAMIU ranks amongst the highest in Hispanic enrollment among American universities. However, there is more to the “International” in the university’s name than just its location—there are both faculty and students from all over the world attending the school, with numbers increasing by the year. As technology makes our world smaller, and all business is international business, having global connections and knowledge is in high demand. While it is highly recommended that TAMIU students take the opportunity to study abroad, it is not necessary in order to learn about other cultures.     (more…)
Youth’s Feedback for Plan Viva Laredo
Civil Affairs

Youth’s Feedback for Plan Viva Laredo

By  Janellie Berlanga, Giovanni Salinas, Danny Zaragoza, Marco Tijerina and Sergio Loera “Small”, “congested” and “boring” are the top three terms used by the youth of Laredo to describe their city as according to the Plan Viva Laredo team as the group continues to work on including feedback from Laredoans of all ages in the plan’s development.   (more…)
Laredo: Capital of The Republic of the Rio Grande
Life & Arts

Laredo: Capital of The Republic of the Rio Grande

By Karla Reyna and Selena Borjas Laredo is mostly known for having the biggest in-land export-import bridge, and port of entry, however there is a rich history behind this city of seven flags, each one representing a different facet of its heritage, and the least known of them is the one representing the Republic of Rio Grande.   (more…)

Cooking in College: Ramen Recipes

By Ricky Castillon Ramen noodles are almost synonymous with the typical college student. However, with some creativity, that packaged import could become something to impress yourself and your stomach. (more…)
Inside An Athletic Trainer’s Life

Inside An Athletic Trainer’s Life

By Alexandra Camacho Many people know what a “coaching” position is but, few people know what an “athletic training” position really means. Sports is a big part of America, it is all over the television and schools and athletic trainers are the people behind the scenes that play a big role, most of the times unnoticed. (more…)
Red State with a Blue Border

Red State with a Blue Border

By Danny Zaragoza Texas has a reputation of being a red state because it traditionally votes Republican in most elections. However, the state’s southern border with Mexico has a blue hue to it. (more…)
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