Author: Staff/Guest

Law and Justice

Domestic Violence in Mexico

By María F. Rodríguez Domestic violence is defined by acts of violence performed in a house between any members of the family.  The aggressor can be either spouse or even children, but most of the time, women are the victims and men are the perpetrators. (more…)
International Studies

The World Can Be A Classroom

We are past the time where only the rich were given the opportunity to travel overseas. Every day, there are new people starting blogs and displaying inspiring photos of their adventures far away from home.  Young people look at these postings, sighing at their own lack of luck, without realizing it can be more than just wishful thinking. (more…)
On Campus

LGBTQ Group Strong at TAMIU

By Mauricio Zertuche   Currently, Texas A&M International University has an estimated 5,000 students, many of which have formed campus organizations to make their campus a better place for all students. (more…)

An Obese America

By Pablo Nieto Being out of breath, getting tired easily, and limited mobility due to are just the exterior signs of obesity.   What happens in the interior is much worse.  Obesity has been linked to heart problems, Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and certain types of cancer.  Obesity is a growing epidemic in America, even though public awareness for the dangers of obesity has increased. (more…)
Health Care: The College Years

Health Care: The College Years

By Scarletth Merkley The time an individual is in university is commonly labeled as ‘”the best years of your life”.  Pursuing higher education during these four years is not only commendable, but also the time to gain independence and a slight taste of reality. (more…)

Procrastination: A Student’s Own Worst Enemy

By Ricky Castillon   With online media becoming more and more compact, and attention spans across the nation shrinking at alarming rates, it can be really hard to stay focused. These days, especially for young people just starting to foray into the adult world, one of the biggest hurdles that face young professionals is the danger of procrastination. Putting off what you need to get done is a surefire way of making sure it never gets done; here are seven tips and tricks from the best in the business on how to stop procrastinating and get to work.   (more…)

Chasing Smoke

By Ricky Castillon December 9, 2016.   After months of stalling and procrastination, winter has finally come to south Texas. On this particular morning I had already been out to drop off my youngest brother at his high school, picked up some breakfast and coffee for myself, come home, run around the backyard with my dog for as long as I could stand before the impending chill threatened my already-failing attempt to fight off a cold, begun work on some watercolor illustrations I hadn’t gotten the chance to work on.   It was then I realized my mistake. The previous day I’d been working in the computer lab at the university and that I’d left my bag with brushes and ink pens that I was going to need. It was a rookie move, with the amount of traffic a lab can get this c...
Second Return of Space Jam

Second Return of Space Jam

By Giovanni Salinas Being a “sneakerhead”, or a sneaker enthusiast, is more than just buying every sneaker that is released, it’s more of buying shoes you enjoy and like. There are Jordan retros releasing every other week and it is really disappointing to see that now there isn’t really a story behind a certain shoe, it’s just produced to create profit for the company.     However, sneakers that do have a backstory, are usually limited releases. There is one sneaker in particular that was made famous by a live action cartoon movie and even though it has a huge back story to it, it was still mass produced and is one of the greatest Jordan retros to ever be released: the Air Jordan XI “Space Jam.”   (more…)
Celebrating the Dead
Life & Arts, On Campus

Celebrating the Dead

By Danny Zaragoza, Marcos Tijerina, and Giovanni Salinas Colorful sugar skulls, papier-mâché skeletons in formal attire, and death themed crafts adorned the outside of the Laredo Center for the Arts as Laredoans celebrated the Dia de los Muertos this past November. But the Mexican holiday is more than bedazzled skulls and face painting.   (more…)
Features, Health

How “Dr. Crazy” became Dr. Fuentes

By Anna Castilla To most people, he is known as Dr. Luis Fuentes; but to our family he is either known as Louie or as “The Doctor”.  Luis Fuentes is 27 years old and resides in Corpus Christi, Texas where he works at a local hospital. He is currently doing his residency and is looking to graduate within the next two years. I decided to meet up with Fuentes because he has not only been such an inspiration for me, but for the rest of our family.   (more…)
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