Author: Staff/Guest

TAMIU celebrates “El Grito”
On Campus

TAMIU celebrates “El Grito”

TAMIU celebrated this year's Mexican Independence Day by bringing the "El Grito" celebration directly to TAMIU students. Contrary to popular belief, Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day. It is actually Sept. 16 that commemorates Mexico's Independence. (more…)
In Our View: Gambling with the Innocent
In Our View

In Our View: Gambling with the Innocent

The thought that someone would stoop so low as to forbid the entrance of unfortunate children, just to gain a bargaining chip, is unacceptable. The worst part about President Donald Trump’s current “temper tantrum,” is that if the U.S. Congress does not come to terms with his proposal, current benefactors of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy are at risk of being deported. (more…)
Academia, On Campus

Meet TAMIU’s Sixth President, Dr. Pablo Arenaz

By Danny Zaragoza A procession filled the stage with college and university delegates, faculty and student representatives in full regalia at the TAMIU Center for the Fine and Performing Arts auditorium on April 13, 2017 for an Investiture Ceremony held to install TAMIU’s 6th president. (more…)

The Underrated City

By Alexis Garza Laredo: the city is considered the least diverse to some, but is also considered as the city that grew from a villa to the largest inland port on the united States-Mexican border. (more…)
On Campus

Tales of the procrastinating college student

By Lydia Dean Procrastination goes hand in hand with the college experience just as much as exploring new territories. Thousands of college students around the United States are given an assignment ahead of time but will wait until the last weekend before the due date. This habit will continue until their time of graduation. Regarding the constant behavior, why do college students continue to procrastinate despite knowing the hardships and stress it will bring them? (more…)
Life & Arts

Shakespeare in the Courts

By Kassandra de Hoyos Shakespeare & Company is a theater company based in Lenox, Massachusetts.  For the past seventeen years, the company has run a program called Shakespeare in the Courts.   (more…)
Español, Features

Rompiendo barreras

Por Elizabeth Villarreal   José L. Moreno III es actualmente El director del programa Title V Focus on Student Success (FOSS) en Texas A&M International University (TAMIU). (more…)
On Campus

Road to Success

By Daniela Ortiz The Texas A&M International University (TAMIU) introduces a roadmap to student success through their TAMIU Trailblazers Program, where only registered students have access to the program.   The TAMIU Trailblazers program is a co-curricular leadership initiative, which strives to assist students in gaining success by experience and preparation for their future endeavors. (more…)

This is the end

By Carlos Leon Many religions tend to break down into various smaller denominations, especially the Christian religion. There is one specific religion in particular based on Christian beliefs called the Church of the End of Times (Iglesia del Fin del Tiempo or IFT is the name and acronym in Spanish). This church has a unique prescience throughout most of Latin America (more…)
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