Author: Staff/Guest

Division II football team debate
On Campus, Sports

Division II football team debate

Division II football team debate By Karla JuarezBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 Despite its identity as a popular Texan sport, TAMIU is devoid of a football program. After all, Texas is the only state with an NFL team named after the people who live in it: the Texans. Texas A&M International University’s Athletic Department offers most of the major sports one can think of. There’s men’s and women’s soccer, volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, baseball, softball, there’s even a golf team and a cross country team. Nearly every semester, students wonder why TAMIU lacks a football team even though it’s often considered “America’s sport.” While baseball continues to be called “America’s pastime,” football continues to rise in popularity for the pa...
Coronavirus affects TAMIU campus
Health, International Affairs, On Campus

Coronavirus affects TAMIU campus

Coronavirus affects TAMIU campus By Maria ReyneroBridge contributing writer Published Monday, April 20, 2020 As the threat of COVID-19 spread, TAMIU’s policy began and continues to be following the regulations and guidelines of the City of Laredo Health Department. Since the initial spread, the campus was partially closed for many activities, face masks are required to enter campus buildings, and other initiatives set forth by Laredo. A virus which began as a case in Wuhan, China, became an outbreak, and spread to numerous other countries before becoming a global pandemic. The coronavirus, also known as SARS-CoV-2, spread to the U.S. It can be deadly once it causes the COVID-19 disease. Anyone showing symptoms is encouraged to seek medical attention and supervision. As of ...
Intramural all-star team faces defeat
Intramurals, Sports

Intramural all-star team faces defeat

Intramural all-star team faces defeat By Cesar NeiraBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 Short-handedness contributed to a two-game loss for TAMIU’s recreational men’s basketball team during the intramural all-star tournament. The annual National Intramural and Recreational Sports Association Region IV tournament took place from March 7 to 10. The Recreational Sports Intramural Open Basketball League All-Star team from Texas A&M International University is composed of the best players from the league’s open tournament. TAMIU suffered defeats against Stephen F. Austin and Trinity universities at the all-star event. The team already faced an uphill challenge due to its shorthanded roster of six players. This, along with the team being composed primari...
Education students tackle the blocks
Education, On Campus

Education students tackle the blocks

Education students tackle the blocks College relaxes grading system By Andrea MartinezBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 TAMIU’s College of Education holds one of the highest graduation rates in the University. However, the College does not allow students who do not pass the teacher certification exams to move on to Blocks II and III of the program. Up to three blocks exist for education students in order to graduate, yet some students are finding a difficult time graduating due to incomplete blocks. “We want to demonstrate to the school districts that these students showed that they are knowledgeable in the subject they teach,” Associate Dean Alfredo Ramirez Jr. said.  The intent of this process is to help students prepare for Block III, as ...
QUARANTINE CORNER: Dealing with the pandemic – Part 1
Features, Health, Humans of TAMIU, Life & Arts, Web Exclusive

QUARANTINE CORNER: Dealing with the pandemic – Part 1

TAMIU together: dealing with the pandemic By Angela K. CarranzaBridge Staff WriterPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 [Editor’s note: The following is the first installment in a series of articles about different Texas A&M International University students, faculty and staff who are working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic. We hope their stories can be as inspiring to you as we found them to be.] Daniel RodriguezTAMIU senior During the COVID-19 pandemic, individuals discover how to keep themselves busy in many different ways. For example, some take up different hobbies: cooking, reading, gaming, etc. But for Texas A&M International University senior Daniel Rodriguez, a variety of hobbies keep him occupied throughout the day. “I have been living alone for quite som...
OPINION: Time on our hands
Editorial, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Time on our hands

OPINION: Time on our hands Allison Villareal | Special to The Bridge ARTIST’S STATEMENTBy Allison VillarealBridge contributing illustratorPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 For this concept, I intended to use variety, contrast and movement to demonstrate the overwhelming and uneasy feelings that can be experienced when having too many things in our hands. I used variety by having hands of many sizes holding different objects that represent time, relationships, health, financial issues, chores, education, entertainment and self care. I used contrast to highlight the dark pressures and stress that can be behind each responsibility that is being held. I used movement to express the variety of weight each hand is carrying.
Editorial, In Our View, Opinion

OPINION: Being essential these days

OPINION: Being essential these days EDITOR'S POINT of VIEWBy David Gomez Jr.Editor-in-chiefPublished Monday, April 20, 2020 The coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, causes the disease COVID-19. The ‘rona, as some people are calling it, came fast and deadly. It added pressure to an already fragile economy. At the front lines of keeping the economy afloat, other than the medical, grocery store clerks, farmers and janitorial staff who deserve so much praise, are also the other “essential” businesses. I am currently one of those essential workers. David Gomez Jr. I work in a hardware store, yet it doesn’t feel essential. I recently went from a part-time to a full-time employee. Nowadays, the type of customers who come into the store are those tired of being at home. It used to be just th...
LEAP program offers choices
Academia, Education

LEAP program offers choices

LEAP program offers choices By Alejandra PenaBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 13, 2020 With an early acceptance program, TAMIU students can fulfill their dreams of attending a graduate or professional program. The Laredo Early Acceptance Program is a partnership between Texas A&M International University and the University of Texas Health and Science Center at San Antonio. “LEAP is a program where students take an agreement where they will be guided through courses and other requirements to be accepted into the program of their interest in UT Health,” LEAP student Desireah Rodman said. There are five programs available to LEAP students, as well as various advantages that come with program participation. “Some of the benefits that come with being LEAP ...
DustyCup event canceled
Features, Humans of TAMIU, Life & Arts, On Campus

DustyCup event canceled

DustyCup event canceled By Joel CaballeroBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 13, 2020 Considered by some to be the most competitive event, both mentally and physically, between student organizations, DustyCup was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Student Government Association at Texas A&M International University, which sponsors the annual event, planned to host it this semester on April 4. The event normally brings student organizations together for the opportunity to compete for bragging rights and for the winner to take home a trophy and a grant. DustyCup is typically hosted after the Big Event, a Universitywide community service event for the local community. The event was expected to not only have a physical portion but also one for academics wi...
New additions made to the College of Nursing
Academia, Education, Health

New additions made to the College of Nursing

New additions made to the College of Nursing By Amber DavilaBridge contributing writerPublished Monday, April 13, 2020 The College of Nursing and Health Sciences underwent several changes; it continues adding to its variety of degrees. Now the college offers different types of majors and certifications. Texas A&M International University students can major in more than nursing alone. “The College of Nursing now has communication disorder, kinesiology non-certification, nursing and starting this fall, we will have public health,” academic adviser Anna Buentello said. “So, that’s a new program upcoming [this] fall semester. This is for the students that are not admitted to the nursing program. We’re gonna recommend that they do the public health program because it has similar...
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