Author: Staff/Guest

NEWS: TAMIU schedules Moment of Silence to honor president’s passing

NEWS: TAMIU schedules Moment of Silence to honor president’s passing

NEWS: TAMIU schedules Moment of Silence to honor president’s passing From Staff ReportsPublished Friday, Oct. 4, 2024 On Thursday evening, Oct. 3, TAMIU lost its highest leader: President Pablo Arenaz. A Special Moment of Silence to honor the memory of the sixth president is slated for Monday. At noon Monday, Oct. 7, at the Acequia Fountain, between the Dr. F.M. Canseco and Anthony J. and Georgia A. Pellegrino halls, the administration, faculty, staff and students of Texas A&M International University plan to remember Arenaz’s life and work. Courtesy TAMIU Public RelationsTAMIU President Pablo Arenaz poses for a photo on the third floor of the Sue & Radcliffe Killam Library in this undated photograph. Arenaz passed away unexpectedly Thursday night, according to a Uni...
NEWS: Rankings, accolades help prospective students determine their higher education trajectory
Academia, News, On Campus

NEWS: Rankings, accolades help prospective students determine their higher education trajectory

NEWS: Rankings, accolades help prospective students determine their higher education trajectory By Federico Gian OteroBridge Contributing WriterPublished Thursday, Oct. 3, 2024 Among its recent rankings, TAMIU received some positive notations from Niche, including an overall A- rating. Rankings like these from various websites can help students and faculty choose which college to attend. Steve Harmon, director of Public Relations, Marketing, and Public Information Services for Texas A&M International University, said looking at statistics, including rankings and accolades, whenever choosing a college is important. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeThe globe-style arching windows of the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library allow students to look out into the night on Oct. 1. TAMIU rece...
CAMPUS: CABgazing offers evening event under the stars
Life & Arts, On Campus

CAMPUS: CABgazing offers evening event under the stars

CAMPUS: CABgazing offers evening event under the stars By Matteo M. FernandezBridge Staff WriterPublished Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 With a mix including pizza and students painting small replica planets under the stars, the Campus Activities Board hosted its eighth September event: CABgazing. The Thursday, Sept. 26, activity took place on the Sen. Judith Zaffirini Success Center Green. The event was hosted by CAB’s Malik Thompson, who was accompanied by fellow “cabbies,” members of the organization. Juan Carlos Puente | BridgeSophomore psychology major Maggie Villegas paints a small sphere as a planet while using a small light during the CABgazing event Thursday evening, Sept. 26, on the Sen. Judith Zafirini Green. CAB is split into three committees: Education and Heritage, Me...
HEALTH: Rec Center offers pilates classes
Features, Health, On Campus

HEALTH: Rec Center offers pilates classes

HEALTH: Rec Center offers pilates classes By Andre SolisBridge Staff WriterPublished Wednesday, Oct. 2, 2024 The TAMIU Kinesiology, Wellness and Recreation Center offers a variety of fitness classes, ranging from slow-paced yoga to high-intensity weight training, available to students at no cost. Among these classes, two pilates courses, hosted by personal trainers Paul Poinsot and Marielise Rodriguez Sosa, integrate the tension-relieving stretches of yoga and the strenuous and fast-paced exercises of cardio. The classes take place at noon and 5:45 p.m., respectively, in Room 230 at the Rec. Linda Flores | BridgeAn unidentified pilates instructor, center, looks around her class of students on Nov. 13 during a class on the second floor of the Rec Center. While both classes fo...
CAMPUS: CABchella finalizes Welcome Week
On Campus

CAMPUS: CABchella finalizes Welcome Week

CAMPUS: CABchella finalizes Welcome Week By Marissa ContrerasManaging EditorPublished Tuesday, Oct. 1, 2024 Welcome Week came to an end with an explosive music-filled night at TAMIU, known as CABchella. Texas A&M International University’s Campus Activities Board hosted the event on Aug. 30, transforming the Sen. Judith Zaffirini Success Center Green into a fun, music-filled night. This event was open to students and staff to kick off the new school year with an evening of entertainment, food and fireworks. Cris Cordova | BridgeThe new version of the Dusty mascot gets announced by TAMIU President Pablo Arenaz during CABchella on Aug. 30 at the Sen. Zafirini Success Center Green. CABchella featured live performances from local bands and DJs, including The Jolly Ranche...
SPORTS: New coach takes reins of TAMIU volleyball
Sports, Volleyball

SPORTS: New coach takes reins of TAMIU volleyball

SPORTS: New coach takes reins of TAMIU volleyball By Kathy SalinasBridge Staff WriterPublished Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Utilizing what she defines as a unique approach for training athletes, TAMIU’s new volleyball coach takes the reins of the team this Fall. As new freshmen join the program, so does a new coach: Tammie Jimenez is the newest addition, hailing from Midland College. “My philosophy is based on: simple is better than complex,” Jimenez said. Kathy Salinas | BridgeNew TAMIU volleyball coach Tammie Jimenez holds up a chart during a game on Sept. 28. The coach’s approach to training her players relies on strengthening the fundamentals of the game. In a nutshell, volleyball is passing and serving. Jimenez aims to create a mindset in her athletes that focuses on perso...
OPINION: In Satan can we trust?
Editorial, Opinion

OPINION: In Satan can we trust?

OPINION: In Satan can we trust? By Dora GuerreroAssistant EditorPublished Friday, Sept. 27, 2024 Sometimes it’s so much easier to fear the things you don’t understand; sometimes people demonize them so they don’t have to look at them for too long. As children, they tell us to not misbehave or “el cucuy” is going to take us; the cucuy represents some evil that is out of this world, which goes against everything we have been taught. This ungodly presence steals misbehaving children and takes them away, but are all “ungodly” things really that bad? Dora GuerreroAssistant Editor The Satanic Panic from the 1990s created a false vision of the “occult” focused on a great conspiracy of Satanic cults that abduct children for human sacrifices. What many people failed to realize is that t...
CAMPUS: TAMIU engineering students develop solutions to University parking problem
News, On Campus

CAMPUS: TAMIU engineering students develop solutions to University parking problem

CAMPUS: TAMIU engineering students develop solutions to University parking problem By Juan Carlos PuenteEditor-in-chiefPublished Tuesday, Sept. 24, 2024 Late last semester, five TAMIU engineering students showcased their project that could help alleviate some of the University’s parking issues. The team comprises Gabriel Torres, Jacob Lopez, Alejandro Aguilar, Miguel Achoy and Alberto Villareal. Together, these members make up Xerasense Technologies, a startup company founded in September 2023. Some of those students have since graduated. Their work centers around providing information to make individual parking at TAMIU an easier and stress-free experience. They plan to achieve this through their project, ParkU. Dari Oviedo | BridgeTAMIU's various parking lots, like this on...
SPORTS: TAMIU women’s basketball introduces new coach
Sports, Women's Basketball

SPORTS: TAMIU women’s basketball introduces new coach

SPORTS: TAMIU women’s basketball introduces new coach By Vicente MendozaSports EditorPublished Friday, Sept. 24, 2024 On June 17, TAMIU athletics announced the newly appointed women’s basketball coach. The new coach follows up after a successful 2023-2024 season led by the former coach. After a lengthy process, TAMIU selected coach Jaida Williams to lead TAMIU women’s basketball program and to help propel the team forward. Courtesy TAMIU Sports InformationJaida Williamswomen's basketball coach A Cal Poly Pomona product, Williams holds a long illustrious career both as a player and as a coach for women’s basketball. As a player, Williams helped lead Cal Poly Pomona her senior season to the NCAA Division II tournament, and reached all the way to the regional final. As a coach,...
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