OPINION: Romance is not dead—we’re all just dead inside
OPINION: Romance is not dead—we’re all just dead inside
By Carina GalvanBridge Staff InternPublished Tuesday, March 7, 2023
Loved by some and dreaded by many, Valentine's Day loomed ahead; I witnessed the aftermath of a breakup in the parking lot.
There are enough songs out there about slashing your ex’s tires. We can only imagine how bad the breakup was, but this isn’t about someone’s failed romance.
Carina Galvan
This isn’t a rant against Valentine’s Day either.
Think of this as a heart-to-heart conversation. I’ve only been alive for 22 years, but I spent most of it fantasizing about romance and love. In this generation where courting is the talking stage and dating apps are just for hookups, love doesn’t seem genuine anymore.
You might even be tempted to say that ro...