Social Network and Infidelity

By Ana Garza

In recent years, infidelity has increased drastically, one the principals reasons is, why one member of the couple becomes unfaithful, but all have an explanation on personal dissatisfaction.

As a when person feels dissatisfied, because he has unresolved personals conflicts in couples, the trend is avoidance, which creates more dissatisfaction in the person and disappears infatuation, when the person finish this stage and begin to live the reality and the problems of a relationship then no longer sees the couple like that idealized person, then it’s not always pleasant behavior disappoints the expectation of what was expected that was relationship.

Resents studies indicate theta the use of the social networks induce many people will be unfaithful to your partner. A recent study the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers found 80% of infidelity tests presented are examples of interaction accused of infidelity within social networks; and Facebook is the cause of 1 in 5 divorces in the U.S. Another study conducted by Cyber and Behavior Journal reveals that worldwide, 28 million separations were recorded last year because of social networks.

In the past, it was more complicated to be unfaithful, because the person had to be absent from home for a long time and that created suspicion for the other partner. Yet with social networks, couples can be with your partner at home while being unfaithful. These cyber relationships usually begin as a simple friendship that eventually evolves into one that slowly crosses boundaries. At first there is no physical contact, but they are constantly sending messages. In many cases,the contact never becomes treasury. But in the moment the infidelity is discovered, it usually ends up in a lot of pain for the whole family and occasionally, broken homes if there are children involved.

Today most people have accounts on social networks; studies claim that every couple that a social networks could suffer an infidelity.
Although problems can generate because of social networks, try to seek dialogue, confidence, patience and serenity, to avoid serious damage to your relationship. If you have not been able to reach agreement definitely is the better raise the solution yourself, because they are those who know their relationship, know how much they love and even where they are able reach.


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