NEWS: TAMIU offers 12 top graduate programs in nation

NEWS: TAMIU offers 12 top graduate programs in nation

By Camila Mendez
Bridge Staff Writer
Published Friday, Feb. 23, 2024

TAMIU received recognition this year for having at least 12 top programs in the nation, according to intelligent.com. Additionally, the University’s graduate programs grew by 15% enrollment this past year.

Intelligent.com examined these programs based on affordability, the quality of the course, and achievement rates—the website mainly analyzed online master’s degree courses.

TAMIU's Sue & Radcliffe Killam Library
Esteban Mendiola | Bridge
TAMIU once again makes a ranked university list. The Sue & Radcliffe Killam Library, seen here, is one of the University’s opportunities for students to be successful, as seen on Feb. 13.

Texas A&M International University offers courses where many students can attend in person, as well as online. Many students prefer the opportunity to engage with their peers and professors, which can enrich one’s university experience. However, not every student can attend physically.

Over the years, TAMIU developed courses that provide students with the accessibility to achieve a high-quality degree—even from the comfort of their own homes.

TAMIU’s academic affairs and faculty analyze which educational programs should be developed for students. Associate Provost Ariadne Gonzalez serves as part of the faculty who analyze academic programs for students’ best interest.

Gonzalez said it may be conventional for students to take an online educational route.

“We really have to try to understand our TAMIU students,” she said. “We have a lot of traditional students, but we also have a lot of non-traditional students. We have students [who] enjoy coming to campus, and they have access to campus … We also want to be able to open up our campus to other possibilities and make it more accessible for students [who] maybe do not live in Laredo.”

Gonzalez also highlighted how TAMIU’s online programs are flexible for busy students.

“Students have to tackle so many things,” she said. “It’s not just their studies, but they really have to think about how a lot of our students work full-time and even part-time … We want to provide modalities like an online program that gives students that flexibility to enroll in a program that takes some of the pressure off.”

TAMIU Interim Graduate School Dean Lola Norris said at least 1,520 graduate students enrolled this year in the master’s and two of the University’s doctoral programs. That enrollment includes 50% in-person and 50% in online programs.

TAMIU’s largest program, the Master of Business Administration, is ranked No. 1 in the country with the Best Online MBA in International Business Degree Programs for 2024. Norris said 376 students registered for this spring’s MBA.

Norris also mentioned a 15% increase in enrollment for all graduate programs from Spring 2023 to Spring 2024.

This information suggests that many students are investing in their future, whether they take their courses online or in person. Either option offers a high-quality education.

Intelligent.com also demonstrates research analyses that indicate when students earn additional degrees, they are likely to earn more income in their lifetime, compared to only obtaining a high school diploma.

Depending on the program, students can graduate as quickly as in 12 months. Students can enroll in a program and complete it at their desired pace. Intelligent.com highlights several of TAMIU’s online master’s degree courses, considered some of the best in the nation. These courses are available for TAMIU students to consider, among others.

In addition to the No. 1-ranked MBA program, intelligent.com also ranked these top-20 TAMIU programs: No. 5 for Most Affordable Online RN to BSN Degree Programs, No. 8 for Best Online MBA in Finance Degree Programs, No. 9 for Best Online Master’s in K-12 Education Degree Programs, No. 12 for Best Online Master’s in Public Administration Degree Programs, No. 13 in Best Online Master’s in Law Enforcement Administration Degree Programs, No. 15 in Best Online MBA Degree Programs with no GMAT Required.

Other intelligent.com ranked TAMIU programs include: No. 28 for both Best Online Master’s in Educational Leadership Programs and Most Affordable Online Master’s Degree Programs, No. 38 for both Best Online Master’s in Nursing Administration Degree Programs and Most Affordable Online Master’s in Nursing Degree Programs, and No. 40 for Best Colleges in Texas.


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