FLASHBACK: The Bridge‘s first article from 1996
Women‘s Studies Program to be inaugurated at TAMIU

By Sarah Collins
Bridge Staff Writer
Originally Published March 1996 in Vol. 1, No. 1, of The Bridge
[Editor’s Note: This article is being published exactly as it appeared in 1996. No changes have been made, not even for AP style. It was the top Bridge TAMIU story of March 1996.]
Many, including the College of Arts & Humanities faculty, are very proud that TAMIU is one of the few universities in south Texas to offer a women’s studies program. Beginning in the Fall 1996 semester, students will be offered an introductory course called WOMN 2301. This course has no prerequisites and will present a variety of perspectives on women as individuals and on their roles in society and culture.
WOMN 2301 will be taught Dr. Jeraldine Kramer, who was recently appointed Chair of the WOmen’s Studies Committee.
As Kraver explained, “Women’s Studies is an approach to knowledge that places women at the center of analysis. The central goal of the program is to provide students of both genders and all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, and sexual identities a context that examines the ideas of the past, that enables them to consider their experiences now, that prepares them to participate in informed and creative ways in the future.”
When asked why we need women’s studies at the University level, Kraver replied, “Because, too often, historically accepted theories and explanations have been characterized by misinformation and misunderstandings about women.”
An upper-division class, WOMN 4302, will be offered at a later date. WOMN 4302 will be a senior seminar where students will examine theoretical readings in women’s studies and will develop interdisciplinary, independent projects. Prerequisites for this course will include WOMN 2301, plus twelve hours of women’s studies course work.
Students may work towards a minor in women’s studies comprised of eighteen hours of course work: WOMN 2301, WOMN 4302, plus twelve hours of electives (no more than six from any one discipline). A list of electives can be obtained from administrative offices of the College of Arts & Humanities.
March is also Women’s History Month. On Friday, March 29, between 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m., there will be an event titles, “A Celebration of Women’s History Month and Inauguration of The Women’s Studies Program.” The event is sponsored by the College of Arts & Humanities and by Las Mujeres, a local organization seeking to reestablish the tradition of Laredo women’s activism, to educate its membership regarding women’s issues, and recognizing women’s contributions to society.
This event will take place in the Great Room of the Sue and Radcliffe Killam Library at Texas A&M International University. It is free and open to the public.