OPINION: Dating in digital era
By Destiny R. Sanchez
Assistant Editor
Published Tuesday, Nov. 28, 2023
Growing up as the oldest of four children, I was always warned of the dangers of dating. I remember my dad telling me, “Destiny, all logic goes out the window when it comes to someone you’re passionate about.”
Frankly, my father was right. Dating just isn’t how it used to be 10, 20, 30 years ago.

We live in the digital age, where follower count and Snapchat scores matter. Then, there’s that one point where we all wait for that one person to like our Instagram story that was specifically posted for them. The greatest thing a person can do now to grab your attention is head straight into your direct messages with a simple “hey” and that’s where it all begins.
I remember when most of us were kids and the closest thing to a love story—we all wanted—was Cinderella finding her prince charming and living happily ever after. Now the love story we all want comes straight from our phones.
Society changes throughout time, and every single time we are forced to conform to the social norms everyone follows. I see all of my younger family members form connections and relationships through the glass of a phone. Of course, I’ve had my moments too.
The times when I would wait for the guy I liked to see my story, or how weird it feels when my text gets left on “seen.” I also remember the time when I told myself I would leave his text on “delivered,” yet I would answer after two minutes.
How does logic go straight out the window when it comes to dating in 2023? Well, when it comes to the intentions of pursuing someone, the lines have become so blurred, you can’t tell delusion from reality anymore. Dating in a digital era is like plunging into the deep end of a pool. You have to throw all logical thinking out the window and just jump.