CAMPUS: Spring Fling night brings in full house
By Samantha Gonzalez
Bridge Staff Intern
Published Tuesday, May 10, 2022
Another of TAMIU’s traditions made a recent comeback after spending time on hiatus due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
From 9 p.m. to midnight on April 30, Texas A&M International University hosted its Spring Fling event at the Student Center Ballroom. The event followed the Student Life Awards and included free drinks and food, as well as a photo area for students. The free event encouraged students to celebrate the end of the semester.

Students dance the night away on the ballroom dance floor during the traditional Spring Fling hosted by TAMIU on April 30.
“I had no idea that we were even having a Spring Fling until the night of,” TAMIU alumnus Elkin Cortez said. “I got invited by a friend and I’m so glad I ended up coming.”
Students dressed in formal clothing for the event, many wearing long gowns and formal suits.
“Everything was set up so nicely–the decor, lighting, photo booth and snack table all looked really nice and organized,” TAMIU student Tanya Ramirez said. “Honestly, I was surprised so many people came.”
Students busted out their dance moves as they stomped, swayed and strutted on the dance floor. The DJ played many fan-favorites for students to dance to. The ambiance of celebration with mood lighting and helium filled balloons scattered the ballroom. Many saw it as an opportunity to destress before finals and danced the night away.

The dance floor fills up with students during the traditional Spring Fling hosted by TAMIU on April 30.
“My favorite part of it all was enjoying the night with my friends dancing,” Ramirez said. “We all worked so hard this semester, so it was nice to celebrate with them–especially since some of them are graduating after this. It was kinda like a nice farewell party.”
Groups of friends and partners filled the dance floors. While many also gathered around taking photos with their significant others, friends and classmates to remember the night forever.