TAMIU study abroad returns

TAMIU study abroad returns

By David Gomez Jr.
Published Thursday, Feb. 17, 2022

Study abroad is back and slated for this summer at TAMIU after barely more than a two-year hiatus due to the global pandemic.

While the deadline for most summer programs passed on Feb. 15, some programs received an additional two-week extension from the Office of International Engagement.

Study Abroad Fair
David Gomez Jr. | Bridge
Associate Professional of language studies Julien F. Carriere, next to left, speaks with a student about the Carrieres’ program to Italy and Psychology and Communication Department Chair José Carlos Lozano speaks to another student about his program to Germany.

“The encouragement for study abroad is to provide students with a different viewpoint than they would traditionally receive in a classroom,” Program Director of the Office of Student Orientation, Leadership and Engagement Nicolas Hudson said. “During Dusty Camp, we tell students, ‘Create your own unique TAMIU experience.’

“You get out of it what you put into it. So if you go with an open mind to any global experience that you have, you are able to appreciate not only the differences you may find, but also the similarities.”

For the Italian study abroad program, Associate Professional of language studies Julien F. Carriere believes one of the safest cities in his itinerary to Italy is one of the safest programs.

“I can’t emphasize enough, Florence is safer than Laredo,” Carriere said. “For me, this is low risk, high reward.”

Despite the pandemic, faculty leaders are looking forward to opportunities abroad.

“So we can talk about social movements in this course and how it’s connected to leadership, but it’s quite different when you immerse yourself inside of a culture and really recognize and see some of the landmarks that are there,” Hudson said. 

Hudson expects to lead the Argentina program.

“Being able to remove oneself from their traditional environment allows them to really soak in the entire experience,” Hudson said.

Currently, there is a higher probability of student acceptance into the program due to the low number of offerings this summer. Only seven trips received approval compared to 15 back in 2019.

Applying for scholarships and financial aid are more ample this time around, according to information from the Office of International Engagement.

Students skeptical of SARS-Cov-2 cases, Spain being one of the most advanced vaccinated countries in the world is fully vaccinated at 85% according to The New York Times COVID World Vaccination Tracker. The rest of the countries in the program such as Belgium, Germany, Peru, Italy and Argentina are above 65%. For comparison, the U.S. stands at 64%.


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