TAMIU administration, University Learning Complex residents confront harassment, abuse

TAMIU administration, University Learning Complex residents confront harassment, abuse

By Mario Lopez
Circulation Manager

Published Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2021

TAMIU’s Office of Housing and Residence Life administration and residents at the University Learning Community take any form of harassment and abuse seriously.

Texas A&M International University is an open campus, which means people can come and go at any time. The possibilities of harassment or abuse to a student by someone internal or external to the University exist. The student residents at the ULC are no exception.

Director of Housing and Residence Life Manuel Vela said his office remains vigilant for the safety and wellbeing of resident students.

University Village community room
Karla De Leon | Bridge
University Village’s community lounge is a shared location for students, as seen Oct. 10.

“At TAMIU, creating and maintaining a respectful and safe campus community is a priority,” Vela said. “For this, we encourage students, faculty, staff and community friends to report any acts which diminish our University life experience.”

TAMIU offers resources and programs, which students may use in case of experiencing harassment or abuse.

“TAMIU offers a variety of programs that help support students,” Vela said. “The Office of Housing and Residence Life works closely with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Engagement, as well as the Title IX office, when reports are received. Each case is treated individually and support is provided accordingly.”

Vela also said his office works closely with the TAMIU Police Department to protect students but, most importantly, campus residents.

“The Office of Housing and Residence Life meets with the University Police Department on a weekly basis,” he said. “As noted previously, University Police Officers make regular rounds at both communities and partner with the staff to participate in activities and events.”

Biology major Jade Gray lived in the residence halls for the past three years. In her experience, she neither experienced harassment nor abuse.

“TAMIU is a safe place to live,” Gray said. “You just have to take precautions, especially at night.”

Gray also said because TAMIU is an open campus, situations arose where random people or random cars began following students, especially at night. This situation happened to her once late at night but fortunately, that situation did not progress.

“Campus police and other residents helped me immediately and took action,” she said.

Persons needing to report harassment or abuse may use the following link:


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